Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationException
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package.  
org.apache.commons.configuration.plist Configuration classes supporting NeXT / OpenStep /GNUStep style configuration.  

Uses of ConfigurationException in org.apache.commons.configuration

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration that throw ConfigurationException
 void XMLPropertiesConfiguration.load(Reader in)
 void out)
protected  Document XMLConfiguration.createDocument()
          Creates a DOM document from the internal tree of configuration nodes.
 void XMLConfiguration.load(InputStream in)
          Loads the configuration from the given input stream.
 void XMLConfiguration.load(Reader in)
          Load the configuration from the given reader.
 void writer)
          Saves the configuration to the specified writer.
 void PropertiesConfigurationLayout.load(Reader in)
          Reads a properties file and stores its internal structure.
 void out)
          Writes the properties file to the given writer, preserving as much of its structure as possible.
 void PropertiesConfiguration.load(Reader in)
          Load the properties from the given reader.
 void writer)
          Save the configuration to the specified stream.
 void writer)
 void PatternSubtreeConfigurationWrapper.load(Reader reader)
 void writer)
 void MultiFileHierarchicalConfiguration.load(Reader reader)
 void MultiFileHierarchicalConfiguration.load()
 void MultiFileHierarchicalConfiguration.load(String fileName)
 void MultiFileHierarchicalConfiguration.load(File file)
 void MultiFileHierarchicalConfiguration.load(URL url)
 void MultiFileHierarchicalConfiguration.load(InputStream in)
 void MultiFileHierarchicalConfiguration.load(InputStream in, String encoding)
 void fileName)
 void file)
 void url)
 void out)
 void out, String encoding)
 void writer)
          Deprecated. Save the configuration to the specified writer.
 void INIConfiguration.load(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Load the configuration from the given reader.
 void writer)
          Save the configuration to the specified writer.
 void HierarchicalINIConfiguration.load(Reader reader)
          Load the configuration from the given reader.
 void FileConfiguration.load()
          Load the configuration from the underlying URL.
 void FileConfiguration.load(String fileName)
          Locate the specified file and load the configuration.
 void FileConfiguration.load(File file)
          Load the configuration from the specified file.
 void FileConfiguration.load(URL url)
          Load the configuration from the specified URL.
 void FileConfiguration.load(InputStream in)
          Load the configuration from the specified stream, using the encoding returned by FileConfiguration.getEncoding().
 void FileConfiguration.load(InputStream in, String encoding)
          Load the configuration from the specified stream, using the specified encoding.
 void FileConfiguration.load(Reader in)
          Load the configuration from the specified reader.
          Save the configuration.
 void fileName)
          Save the configuration to the specified file.
 void file)
          Save the configuration to the specified file.
 void url)
          Save the configuration to the specified URL.
 void out)
          Save the configuration to the specified stream, using the encoding returned by FileConfiguration.getEncoding().
 void out, String encoding)
          Save the configuration to the specified stream, using the specified encoding.
 void out)
          Save the configuration to the specified writer.
 Configuration DefaultConfigurationBuilder.getConfiguration()
          Returns the configuration provided by this builder.
 CombinedConfiguration DefaultConfigurationBuilder.getConfiguration(boolean load)
          Returns the configuration provided by this builder.
protected  CombinedConfiguration DefaultConfigurationBuilder.createResultConfiguration()
          Creates the resulting combined configuration.
protected  void DefaultConfigurationBuilder.initCombinedConfiguration(CombinedConfiguration config, List containedConfigs, String keyListNodes)
          Initializes a combined configuration for the configurations of a specific section.
protected  void DefaultConfigurationBuilder.registerConfiguredProviders()
          Registers providers defined in the configuration.
protected  void DefaultConfigurationBuilder.registerConfiguredLookups()
          Registers StrLookups defined in the configuration.
protected  void DefaultConfigurationBuilder.initSystemProperties()
          If a property file is configured add the properties to the System properties.
 Configuration ConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration()
          Return the configuration provided by this factory.
 Configuration ConfigurationBuilder.getConfiguration()
          Returns the configuration provided by this builder.
 void AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.load()
 void AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.load(String fileName)
 void AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.load(File file)
 void AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.load(URL url)
 void AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.load(InputStream in)
 void AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.load(InputStream in, String encoding)
 void fileName)
 void file)
 void url)
 void out)
 void out, String encoding)
 void AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.FileConfigurationDelegate.load(Reader in)
 void out)
 void AbstractFileConfiguration.load()
          Load the configuration from the underlying location.
 void AbstractFileConfiguration.load(String fileName)
          Locate the specified file and load the configuration.
 void AbstractFileConfiguration.load(File file)
          Load the configuration from the specified file.
 void AbstractFileConfiguration.load(URL url)
          Load the configuration from the specified URL.
 void AbstractFileConfiguration.load(InputStream in)
          Load the configuration from the specified stream, using the encoding returned by AbstractFileConfiguration.getEncoding().
 void AbstractFileConfiguration.load(InputStream in, String encoding)
          Load the configuration from the specified stream, using the specified encoding.
          Save the configuration.
 void fileName)
          Save the configuration to the specified file.
 void url)
          Save the configuration to the specified URL.
 void file)
          Save the configuration to the specified file.
 void out)
          Save the configuration to the specified stream, using the encoding returned by AbstractFileConfiguration.getEncoding().
 void out, String encoding)
          Save the configuration to the specified stream, using the specified encoding.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.configuration that throw ConfigurationException
XMLPropertiesConfiguration(String fileName)
          Creates and loads the xml properties from the specified file.
XMLPropertiesConfiguration(File file)
          Creates and loads the xml properties from the specified file.
XMLPropertiesConfiguration(URL url)
          Creates and loads the xml properties from the specified URL.
XMLConfiguration(String fileName)
          Creates a new instance of XMLConfiguration.
XMLConfiguration(File file)
          Creates a new instance of XMLConfiguration.
XMLConfiguration(URL url)
          Creates a new instance of XMLConfiguration.
PropertiesConfiguration(String fileName)
          Creates and loads the extended properties from the specified file.
PropertiesConfiguration(File file)
          Creates and loads the extended properties from the specified file.
PropertiesConfiguration(URL url)
          Creates and loads the extended properties from the specified URL.
INIConfiguration(String filename)
          Deprecated. Create and load the ini configuration from the given file.
INIConfiguration(File file)
          Deprecated. Create and load the ini configuration from the given file.
INIConfiguration(URL url)
          Deprecated. Create and load the ini configuration from the given url.
HierarchicalINIConfiguration(String filename)
          Create and load the ini configuration from the given file.
HierarchicalINIConfiguration(File file)
          Create and load the ini configuration from the given file.
HierarchicalINIConfiguration(URL url)
          Create and load the ini configuration from the given url.
DefaultConfigurationBuilder(String fileName)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultConfigurationBuilder and sets the specified configuration definition file.
DefaultConfigurationBuilder(URL url)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultConfigurationBuilder and sets the specified configuration definition file.
AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration(String fileName)
          Creates and loads the configuration from the specified file.
AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration(File file)
          Creates and loads the configuration from the specified file.
AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration(URL url)
          Creates and loads the configuration from the specified URL.
AbstractFileConfiguration(String fileName)
          Creates and loads the configuration from the specified file.
AbstractFileConfiguration(File file)
          Creates and loads the configuration from the specified file.
AbstractFileConfiguration(URL url)
          Creates and loads the configuration from the specified URL.

Uses of ConfigurationException in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist that throw ConfigurationException
 void XMLPropertyListConfiguration.load(Reader in)
 void out)
 void PropertyListConfiguration.load(Reader in)
 void out)

Constructors in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist that throw ConfigurationException
XMLPropertyListConfiguration(String fileName)
          Creates and loads the property list from the specified file.
XMLPropertyListConfiguration(File file)
          Creates and loads the property list from the specified file.
XMLPropertyListConfiguration(URL url)
          Creates and loads the property list from the specified URL.
PropertyListConfiguration(String fileName)
          Creates and loads the property list from the specified file.
PropertyListConfiguration(File file)
          Creates and loads the property list from the specified file.
PropertyListConfiguration(URL url)
          Creates and loads the property list from the specified URL.

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