Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          This class is deprecated. Use XMLConfiguration instead, which supports all features this class had offered before. 
          This class has been replaced by HierarchicalINIConfiguration, which provides a superset of the functionality offered by this class. 

Deprecated Methods
          Use the method HierarchicalConfiguration.clearNode(ConfigurationNode) instead 
org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration.createAddPath(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node)
          Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration.fetchAddNode(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node)
          Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration.findLastPathNode(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node)
          Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration.findPropertyNodes(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node, Collection)
          Property keys are now evaluated by the expression engine associated with the configuration; this method will no longer be called. If you want to modify the way properties are looked up, consider implementing you own ExpressionEngine implementation. 
          Use a custom data source to change the connection used by the class. To be removed in Commons Configuration 2.0 
          Use AbstractConfiguration.getDefaultListDelimiter() instead 
org.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration.interpolateHelper(String, List)
          Interpolation is now handled by PropertyConverter; this method will no longer be called 
          Use the method HierarchicalConfiguration.nodeDefined(ConfigurationNode) instead. 
          Use the method HierarchicalConfiguration.removeNode(ConfigurationNode) instead. 
          Use AbstractConfiguration.setDefaultListDelimiter(char) instead 

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