Class TraceConcern

  extended by org.qi4j.api.concern.ConcernOf<InvocationHandler>
      extended by org.qi4j.logging.trace.AbstractTraceConcern
          extended by org.qi4j.logging.trace.TraceConcern
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class TraceConcern
extends AbstractTraceConcern
implements InvocationHandler

The TraceConcern will call the traceEntry(), traceExit() and traceException() methods in the Tracer instance associated with the CompositeType that the TraceConcern is part of.

The Trace paradigm is all about tracking the entry and exit (both normal and exceptional ones) of methods. The TraceConcern will be added to all methods that declares the @Trace annotation, with an optional level argument. The level is the threshold of the Tracer instance required to trace the method, i.e. the priority of the Tracer instance must be equal or higher than the level set in the @Trace annotation of the method.

If the priority

of the Tracer is set to OFF (Integer.MIN_VALUE) then no tracing will happen.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.qi4j.logging.trace.AbstractTraceConcern
Fields inherited from class org.qi4j.api.concern.ConcernOf
Constructor Summary
TraceConcern(Composite thisComposite)
Method Summary
protected  boolean doTrace()
Methods inherited from class org.qi4j.logging.trace.AbstractTraceConcern
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler

Constructor Detail


public TraceConcern(@This
                    Composite thisComposite)
Method Detail


protected boolean doTrace()
doTrace in class AbstractTraceConcern