Annotation Type Trace

public @interface Trace

The Trace annotation is to indicate which methods should be traced when tracing is enabled.

The level of the Trace indicates the threshold level that the Tracer instance must be set to, to enable tracing. If the threshold level of the Tracer instance is equal to or higher than the level of the Trace annotation the method will be traced.

The Trace annotation will only be used for TraceConcern and not if the all encompassing TraceAllConcern is used.

Optional Element Summary
 int level
          The value is the threshold level required to enable the tracing.


public abstract int level
The value is the threshold level required to enable the tracing.

If the Trace level is set to 100 (default), it is required that the Tracer (retrieved from the LogService) used is set to 100 or higher.

the Trace Level of this Trace annotation.