Annotation Type AppliesTo

public @interface AppliesTo

Fragments that implement InvocationHandler and which should only be applied to methods that have a particular annotation or implement a known interface should use this annotation.

@AppliesTo can specify one of;

Example with annotation:

 @AppliesTo( Sessional.class )   // Tells Qi4j to apply this concern on methods with @Sessional annotation
 public class SessionConcern extends GenericConcern
     public Object invoke( Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args )
         throws Throwable
         ... do session stuff ...

 @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
 @Target( ElementType.METHOD )
 public @interface Sessional

 public class MyMixin
     implements My
     public void doSomethingSessional()
        // ... do your logic wrapped in a session

     public void doSomethingWithoutSession()
        // ... do stuff that are not wrapped in session.

 public interface My
     void doSomethingSessional();

     void doSomethingWithoutSession();

 @Concerns( SessionConcern.class )
 @Mixins( MyMixin.class )
 public interface MyComposite extends My, TransientComposite

The doSomethingWithoutSession method do not have the @Sessional annotation, therefore the SessionConcern will not be placed into the call sequence of these methods, and vice-versa. The @Sessional annotation can be placed either on the interface method or the implementation method, depending on whether it is a contract or implementation detail.

Required Element Summary
 Class<?>[] value
          List of interfaces, annotations or AppliesToFilter implementation classes.

Element Detail


public abstract Class<?>[] value
List of interfaces, annotations or AppliesToFilter implementation classes. If one of them matches the current element it will be accepted, so this list can be considered an "or".

array of classes or interfaces to be used by the filter