Package org.apache.wicket

The core Wicket package.


Interface Summary
Component.IVisitor<T extends Component> Generic component visitor interface for component traversals.
IClusterable Wicket version of Serializable.
IComponentBorder Deprecated. please use IBehavior instead
IComponentSource Interface for objects that are capable of reconstructing a component.
IConverterLocator Locates the proper converter instance for a given type.
IDestroyer Optional interface for initializers that can clean up stuff initializers created.
IDetachListener Listens to Component.detach() calls.
IInitializer Initializes something when application loads.
IPageFactory A factory class that creates Pages.
IPageMap FIXME IPageMap javadoc
IRedirectListener Request listener called on page redirects.
IRequestListener Base interface for all interfaces that listen for requests from the client browser.
IRequestTarget A request target is the base entity that is the subject of a request.
IResourceFactory A factory which creates resources for a given specification string.
IResourceListener Listens for requests regarding resources.
IResponseFilter A response filter can be added to the IRequestCycleSettings.addResponseFilter(IResponseFilter) object The will be called from the Buffered Response objects right before they would send it to the real responses.
Page.IPageSerializer You can set implementation of the interface in the Page.serializer then that implementation will handle the serialization of this page.
Session.IPageMapVisitor Visitor interface for visiting page maps

Class Summary
AccessStackPageMap A container for pages held in the session.
AccessStackPageMap.Access Holds information about a pagemap access
Application Base class for all Wicket applications.
AttributeModifier This class allows a tag attribute of a component to be modified dynamically with a value obtained from a model object.
Component Component serves as the highest level abstract base class for all components.
Component.EnabledChange A enabled change operation.
Component.VisibilityChange A visibility change operation.
Initializer Initializer for components in wicket core library.
Localizer A utility class that encapsulates all of the localization related functionality in a way that it can be accessed by all areas of the framework in a consistent way.
MarkupContainer A MarkupContainer holds a map of child components.
MetaDataKey<T> A key to a piece of metadata associated with a Component at runtime.
Page Abstract base class for pages.
PageId Deprecated. will be removed
PageMap FIXME javadoc
PageParameters A typesafe abstraction and container for parameters to a requested page.
PageReference Unique identifier of a page instance
Request Base class for page request implementations allowing access to request parameters.
RequestContext Handles url rewriting, provides access to the namespace for markup Ids and isolated session state.
RequestCycle Represents the processing of a request.
RequestListenerInterface Base class for request listener interfaces.
Resource A Resource is something that implements IResourceListener and provides a getResourceStream() method which returns the raw IResourceStream to be rendered back to the client browser.
ResourceReference ResourceReference is essentially a reference to an actual resource which is shared through the Application.
Response Abstract base class for different implementations of response writing.
Session Holds information about a user session, including some fixed number of most recent pages (and all their nested component information).
Session.PageMapAccessMetaData meta data for recording map map access.
SharedResources Class which holds shared resources.

Exception Summary
AbortException Immediately aborts any further processing.
AbstractRestartResponseException An exception that causes the request cycle to immediately switch to respond stage.
RedirectToUrlException Causes wicket to interrupt current request processing and send a redirect to the given url.
RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException Causes Wicket to interrupt current request processing and immediately redirect to an intercept page.
RestartResponseException Causes wicket to interrupt current request processing and immediately respond with the specified page.
WicketRuntimeException Generic runtime exception subclass thrown by Wicket.

Package org.apache.wicket Description

The core Wicket package. The key core classes you will need to learn to do basic Wicket programming are:

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