Package org.apache.uima

The main package for the Unstructured Information Management Middleware Architecture.


Interface Summary
CompositeResourceFactory A type of ResourceFactory that produces resources by delegating to other Resource Factories.
ResourceFactory A ResourceFactory is used to acquire instances of Resources.
ResourceSpecifierFactory A factory used to create ResourceSpecifier instances and instances of other objects needed to compose ResourceSpecifiers.
UimaContext Provides access to external resources (other than the CAS).
UimaContextAdmin Admin interface to the UIMA Context.

Class Summary
Constants Some constants used by the UIMA framework.
UIMAFramework This is an application's main interface point to the UIMA Framework.

Exception Summary
InternationalizedException The InternationalizedException class adds internationalization support to the standard functionality provided by java.lang.Exception.
InternationalizedRuntimeException The InternationalizedRuntimeException class adds internationalization support to the standard functionality provided by java.lang.RuntimeException.
UIMA_IllegalArgumentException Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
UIMA_IllegalStateException Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time.
UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported.
UIMAException This is the superclass for all exceptions in UIMA.
UIMARuntimeException This is the superclass for all runtime exceptions in UIMA.

Package org.apache.uima Description

The main package for the Unstructured Information Management Middleware Architecture. The UIMAFramework class provides the primary interface point for applications.

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