Interface CompositeResourceFactory

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CompositeResourceFactory
extends ResourceFactory

A type of ResourceFactory that produces resources by delegating to other Resource Factories.

Resource Factories are registered with the composite factory by calling the registerFactory(Class,ResourceFactory) method. The type of ResourceSpecifier that the factory can handle is passed to this method. In the event that more than one ResourceFactory is registered for the same Resource Specifier class, the most recently registered factory will be tried first.

Method Summary
 void registerFactory(Class<? extends ResourceSpecifier> aResourceSpecifierInterface, ResourceFactory aFactory)
          Registers a ResourceFactory with this composite factory.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.ResourceFactory

Method Detail


void registerFactory(Class<? extends ResourceSpecifier> aResourceSpecifierInterface,
                     ResourceFactory aFactory)
Registers a ResourceFactory with this composite factory.

aResourceSpecifierInterface - the subinterface of ResourceSpecifier that the factory can handle
aFactory - the factory used to create resources from resource specifiers of the given type

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