Interface ResourceFactory

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public interface ResourceFactory

A ResourceFactory is used to acquire instances of Resources.

The method produceResource(Class,ResourceSpecifier,Map) is used to produce an instance of a Resource. The input to this method is a ResourceSpecifier, which contains all of the information that this factory can use to acquire a reference to the resource.

Most applications will not need to interact with this interface. Applications will generally create resources using the static methods on the UIMAFramework class.

Note that multiple threads may attempt to manufacture resources simulatenously, so implementations of this interface MUST be threadsafe.

Developers needing to provide their own ResourceFactory may wish to consider using the provided SimpleResourceFactory implementation.

Method Summary
 Resource produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance from a ResourceSpecifier.

Method Detail


Resource produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass,
                         ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier,
                         Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
                         throws ResourceInitializationException
Produces an appropriate Resource instance from a ResourceSpecifier. This version of produceResource takes a Map containing additional parameters to be passed to the Resource.initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method.

aResourceClass - the class of resource to be produced (NOTE: this is intended to be a standard UIMA interface name such as "TextAnalysisEngine" or "ASB")
aSpecifier - an object that specifies how to acquire an instance of a Resource.
aAdditionalParams - a Map containing additional parameters to pass to the Resource.initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method. May be null if there are no parameters.
a Resource instance. Returns null if this factory does not know how to create a Resource from the ResourceSpecifier provided.
ResourceInitializationException - if a failure occurred during production of the resource

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