Package org.apache.uima.flow

Interface Summary
Flow A Flow object is responsible for routing a single CAS through an Aggregate Analysis Engine.
FlowController FlowControllers are components that decide how to route CASes within Aggregate Analysis Engines.
FlowControllerContext A subtype of UimaContext used by FlowController components.
FlowControllerDescription A FlowControllerDescription contains all of the information needed to instantiate and use a FlowController.

Class Summary
CasFlow_ImplBase Convenience base class for Flow objects that use the CAS interface.
CasFlowController_ImplBase Base class to be extended by FlowControllers that use the CAS interface.
FinalStep Indicates that a CAS has finished being processed by the aggregate.
FlowController_ImplBase Implementation base class for FlowControllers.
JCasFlow_ImplBase Convenience base class for Flow objects that use the JCas interface.
JCasFlowController_ImplBase Base class to be extended by FlowControllers that use the JCas interface.
ParallelStep Indicates that a CAS should be routed to a multiple AnalysisEngines and that the relative order in which these execute does not matter.
SimpleStep Indicates that a CAS should be routed to a single AnalysisEngine.
SimpleStepWithResultSpec Deprecated. For backwards compatibility with Capability Language Flow only.
Step Represents the next destination or destinations to which a CAS should be routed.

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