Class SimpleStep

  extended by org.apache.uima.flow.Step
      extended by org.apache.uima.flow.SimpleStep
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleStep
extends Step

Indicates that a CAS should be routed to a single AnalysisEngine. After it has been processed, the method will be called again to determine the next destination for the CAS.

Constructor Summary
SimpleStep(String aCasProcessorKey)
          Creates a new SimpleStep
Method Summary
 String getAnalysisEngineKey()
          Gets the key of the Analysis Engine to which the CAS should be routed.
 void setAnalysisEngineKey(String aKey)
          Sets the key of the Analysis Engine to which the CAS should be routed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleStep(String aCasProcessorKey)
Creates a new SimpleStep

aCasProcessorKey - The key of the Analysis Engine to which the CAS should be routed. This must be one of the keys in the FlowController's FlowControllerContext.getAnalysisEngineMetaDataMap().
Method Detail


public String getAnalysisEngineKey()
Gets the key of the Analysis Engine to which the CAS should be routed.

an AnalysisEngine key


public void setAnalysisEngineKey(String aKey)
Sets the key of the Analysis Engine to which the CAS should be routed. By using this method, a user's Flow implementation can (but is not required to) reuse the same SimpleStep object multiple times.

aKey - an Analysis Engine key. This must be one of the keys in the FlowController's FlowControllerContext.getAnalysisEngineMetaDataMap().

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