Interface FlowControllerContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface FlowControllerContext
extends UimaContext

A subtype of UimaContext used by FlowController components. In addition to access to resources and configuration settings (provided by UimaContext), the FlowControllerContext provides access to other infomration that the FlowController can use to make routing decitions. This includes:

Method Summary
 AnalysisEngineMetaData getAggregateMetadata()
          Gets the metadata of the Aggregate AnalysisEngine containing this FlowController.
 Map<String,AnalysisEngineMetaData> getAnalysisEngineMetaDataMap()
          Gets a map from Analysis Engine key (a String) to AnalysisEngineMetaData.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.UimaContext
getConfigParameterNames, getConfigParameterNames, getConfigParameterValue, getConfigParameterValue, getConfigurationGroupNames, getDataPath, getEmptyCas, getInstrumentationFacility, getLogger, getResourceAsStream, getResourceAsStream, getResourceFilePath, getResourceFilePath, getResourceObject, getResourceObject, getResourceURI, getResourceURI, getResourceURL, getResourceURL, getSession, getSofaMappings, mapSofaIDToComponentSofaName, mapToSofaID

Method Detail


Map<String,AnalysisEngineMetaData> getAnalysisEngineMetaDataMap()
Gets a map from Analysis Engine key (a String) to AnalysisEngineMetaData. This map contains an entry for all Analysis Engines to which the FlowController can route CASes.

a map with String keys, and AnalysisEngineMetaData values


AnalysisEngineMetaData getAggregateMetadata()
Gets the metadata of the Aggregate AnalysisEngine containing this FlowController. This includes the specification of the inputs and outputs of the aggregate, which may be useful for some FlowController implementations.

the Capabilities of the aggregate containing this FlowController.

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