Draw Templates - User/Template

Home -- Templates


These files should be placed in your %OpenOffice.org%/user/template directory.

File Listing

User/Template Directory



sale.otg by Akira Matsumiya

Uses text fields to enter old and new prices which are formatted automatically.

DPTC_pyramids.otg by Gisbert Friege

A useful template to print out exercise sheets for primary school teaching of addition and multiplication.It's macro based and Draw is used to draw the lines of the pyramids and to print it out.

CD_Template[otg] CD_Template
Crystal OOo[otg] Crystal OOo
draw[zip] draw
index[html] index
Invitation card[otg] Invitation card
recycle[odg] recycle
shadamata_Draw_bn_BD[zip] shadamata_Draw_bn_BD
shadamata_Draw_Img_src[zip] shadamata_Draw_Img_src
shadamata_Draw[zip] shadamata_Draw
weekly-plan[otg] weekly-plan

If you would like to add something, contact Scott Carr.