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Class myfaces._impl.xhrCore.engine.Xhr1

Extends myfaces._impl.xhrCore.engine.BaseRequest.

Defined in: Xhr1.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
wrapper for an xhr level1 object with all its differences it emulates the xhr level2 api which is way simpler than the level1 api
Fields borrowed from class myfaces._impl.xhrCore.engine.BaseRequest:
async, method, readyState, response, responseText, responseXML, status, statusText, timeout, url
Methods borrowed from class myfaces._impl.xhrCore.engine.BaseRequest:
abort, onloadstart, open, send, setRequestHeader
Class Detail
wrapper for an xhr level1 object with all its differences it emulates the xhr level2 api which is way simpler than the level1 api

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