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Class myfaces._impl.xhrCore.engine.BaseRequest

Extends myfaces._impl.core.Object.

Defined in: BaseRequest.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Abstract Base for all classes which simulate the xhr level2 object with a different transport

Every class inheriting the interface must expose following methods and attributes

  • open(method, url, async)
  • send(formData)
  • setRequestHeader(key, value)
  • abort()
  • onloadstart()
  • onprogress()
  • onabort()
  • onerror()
  • onload()
  • ontimeout()
  • onloadend()
  • onreadystatechange()

following attributes are supported

  • async
  • url
  • method
  • timeout
  • response
  • responseText
  • responseXML
  • status
  • statusText
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
asynchronous request, if set to true then the request happens asynchronously, if possible.
send method, allowed values POST and GET
readonly ready stte attribute
read only response object, containing the response as json/dom representation
read only plain text representation of the response
xml dom readonly representation of the response
readonly status code of the response
readonly status text of the response
timeout attribute with a timeout for the request in miliseconds
the url for the call
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
aborts the transmission
callback once the transmission has started
open(method, url, async)
opens the transport element
send method
setRequestHeader(key, value)
appends a key value pair to the request header if possible
Class Detail
Abstract Base for all classes which simulate the xhr level2 object with a different transport

Every class inheriting the interface must expose following methods and attributes

  • open(method, url, async)
  • send(formData)
  • setRequestHeader(key, value)
  • abort()
  • onloadstart()
  • onprogress()
  • onabort()
  • onerror()
  • onload()
  • ontimeout()
  • onloadend()
  • onreadystatechange()

following attributes are supported

  • async
  • url
  • method
  • timeout
  • response
  • responseText
  • responseXML
  • status
  • statusText
Field Detail
asynchronous request, if set to true then the request happens asynchronously, if possible.

send method, allowed values POST and GET

readonly ready stte attribute

read only response object, containing the response as json/dom representation

read only plain text representation of the response

xml dom readonly representation of the response

readonly status code of the response

readonly status text of the response

timeout attribute with a timeout for the request in miliseconds

the url for the call
Method Detail
aborts the transmission

callback once the transmission has started

open(method, url, async)
opens the transport element
{String} method
transport method allowed values POST and GET
{String} url
optional url
{Boolean} async
optional param asynchronous transmission if set to true

send method
{Object} formData
data to be posted within the request

setRequestHeader(key, value)
appends a key value pair to the request header if possible
{String} key
the key of the request header entry
{String} value
the value for the key

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Thu Mar 31 2016 20:58:00 GMT-0000 (GMT)