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Class myfaces._impl._util._HtmlStripper

Extends myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.

Defined in: _HtmlStripper.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fallback routine if the browser embedded xml parser fails on the document This fallback is not failsafe but should give enough cover to handle all cases
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
parse(theString, tagNameStart)
main parse routine parses the document for a given tag name
Class Detail
Fallback routine if the browser embedded xml parser fails on the document This fallback is not failsafe but should give enough cover to handle all cases
Method Detail
parse(theString, tagNameStart)
main parse routine parses the document for a given tag name
the markup string to be parsed
the tag name to be parsed for

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Thu Mar 31 2016 20:57:59 GMT-0000 (GMT)