apache > lenya

The resource Module


The resource module contains the "resource" resource type, it allows to store arbitrary media documents.


  1. Declare the module in the <modules/> section of $PUB_HOME/config/publication.xml:

    <module name="resource"/>
  2. Assign a workflow schema to the resource type in $PUB_HOME/config/publication.xml:

    <resource-type name="resource" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
  3. Define the usecase policies in $PUB_HOME/config/access-control/usecase-policies.xml (or use the usecase administration GUI):

    <usecase id="resource.create">
      <role id="admin"/>
      <role id="edit"/>
    <usecase id="resource.upload">
      <role id="admin"/>
      <role id="edit"/>

Headless Mode


Also you might want to add export DISPLAY=:0 in lenya.sh, such that the DISPLAY variable is set during startup of Jetty, e.g.

# ----- Verify and Set Required Environment Variables -------------------------
if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ] ; then
export DISPLAY=:0

Resource Icons

This module provides only one complete icon (the default one) out of the box. The default icon (default_med.gif) is a question mark. An "empty" version of this icon (without the question mark) can be found in the core (webapp/lenya/resources/images/icons/empty-icon.png). For all file extensions with no corresponding icon, an icon is generated dynamically by adding the first three letters of the extension as a label to the empty icon.

If you can provide icons with a ASF style license we are happy to add them to the module.

If you want your own set of icons, then please add them to $PUB_HOME/lenya/modules/resource/resources/icons/.

You can download and extract e.g. the icon package from Wyona in your publication:

user: anonymous
pass: anonymous

Have fun!