apache > lenya

Creating a Resource Type, Part 4: Editing

In this section we make our person documents editable.

Adding the Relax NG Schema

When we allow to edit documents, we have to make sure that the resulting XML conforms to the FoaF specification. For this purpose we provide a Relax NG schema for the FoaF person XML format. Here's a simple schema, created with Trang, which - according to the resource type declaration - has to be located at $MODULE_HOME/resources/schemas/foaf.rng:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
    <element name="rdf:RDF">
      <element name="foaf:Person">
        <attribute name="rdf:ID"><data type="NCName"/></attribute>
        <element name="foaf:title"><text/></element>
        <element name="foaf:givenname"><text/></element>
        <element name="foaf:family_name"><text/></element>
        <element name="foaf:mbox">
          <attribute name="rdf:resource">
            <data type="anyURI"/>
        <element name="foaf:phone">
          <attribute name="rdf:resource">
            <data type="NMTOKEN"/>
        <element name="foaf:workplaceHomepage">
          <attribute name="rdf:resource">
            <data type="anyURI"/>

Enabling the One-Form Editor

In the first step we don't want to invest much time, so we just enable the one-form editor. We have to add the corresponding menu item to our menu.xsp file. But since we want to enable it only for person documents, we have to test if the currently displayed document has the person resource type. Here's the extended menu.xsp file - note that a new namespace declaration (xmlns:input) has been added:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

      <menu i18n:attr="name" name="File">
        <block areas="site authoring">
          <item uc:usecase="sitemanagement.create" href="?doctype=person">
              <i18n:text>New ... Document</i18n:text>
      <menu i18n:attr="name" name="Edit">
          try {
              Object doc = <input:get-attribute module="page-envelope"
                  as="object" name="document"/>;
              if (doc instanceof Document &amp;&amp; ((Document) doc).exists()) {
                  String doctype = <input:get-attribute module="page-envelope"
                      as="string" name="document-type"/>;
                  if ("person".equals(doctype)) {
                      <block areas="authoring">
                        <item uc:usecase="editors.oneform" href="?">
                          <i18n:text>With one Form</i18n:text>
          catch (Exception e) {
              throw new ProcessingException("Error during menu generation: ", e);

Now you should be able to edit your person document with the one-form editor.

In the next section we explain how to make person documents editable with the BXE WYSIWYG editor.