apache > lenya

The FCKeditor Module


  1. Download the 2.4.3 release of FCKeditor from the FCKeditor homepage.
  2. Unzip it into the src/modules/fckeditor/resources directory. The resources directory should now contain a directory named fckeditor.
  3. Register the module with your publication, so that the appropriate menu item can be displayed. In the <modules> section of $PUB_HOME/config/publication.xml, add the line
    <module name="fckeditor"/>
  4. Make sure you have the appropriate usecase policies in $PUB_HOME/config/ac/usecase-policies.xml (or use the usecases option under the admin tab in Lenya). The following entry will allow the "admin" and "edit" roles access to the usecase:
    <usecase id="fckeditor.edit">
      <role id="admin" method="grant"/>
      <role id="edit" method="grant"/>
  5. Build Lenya.
  6. Edit your document by clicking on "With FCKEditor" in the "Edit" menu.