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Access Control Management : The Default Implementation


In general the authorization related code in Oak clearly separates between access control management (such as defined by the JCR and Jackrabbit API) and the internal permission evaluation (see also Permission Evaluation).

Differences wrt Jackrabbit 2.x

see the corresponding documentation.

Resource vs Principal Based Access Control

The default implementation present with Oak 1.0 is natively resource-based which corresponds to the way JCR defines access control. Nevertheless the principal based approach as defined by the Jackrabbit API is supported using a best-effort approach: principal-based policies are created using the Oak query API and fully respect the access rights imposed on the different policies that contain entries for a given principal. These principal-based policies can also be modified using the corresponding methods provided by the access control, except for JackrabbitAccessControlList.orderBefore.

Thus the default implementation corresponds to the default implementation present with Jackrabbit 2.x. Note however, that the former principal-base approach that stored policies per principal in a dedicated tree is no longer available.

The Elements of Access Control Management

Access Control Policies

The Oak access control management exposes two types of policies that cover all use case defined by the specification and required by the default setup:

Name Policy Description
Default ACL JackrabbitAccessControlList access control on individual nodes
Repo-Level ACL JackrabbitAccessControlList repo-level access control for the null path
Read Policy NamedAccessControlPolicy trees that are configured to be readable to everyone
Default ACL

The default access control lists are bound to individual nodes. They may be used to grant/deny access for all operations that are in some way related to JCR items: regular read/write, access control management, versioning, locking and as of Oak 1.0 user management and writing index definitions.

These policies are designed to take effect on the complete subtree spanned by the node they are bound to. The individual access control entries are evaluated in strict order (first entries in a given list, second entries inherited from list bound to parent nodes) with one notable exception: access control entries created for non-group principals always take precedence irrespective of their inheritance status.

Further details are described in section Permissions.

Repo-Level ACL

The access control lists bound to the null path can be used to grant/deny privileges associated with operations on repository-level such as namespace, node type, privilege and workspace management.

The effect of these entries is limited to the repository operations and is no inherited to any items inside the repository.

Read Policy

These immutable policy has been introduced in Oak 1.0 in order to allow for opening up trees that need to be readable to all sessions irrespective of other effective policies.

By default these policies are bound to the following trees:

  • /jcr:system/rep:namespaces: stores all registered namespaces
  • /jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes: stores all registered node types
  • /jcr:system/rep:privileges: stores all registered privileges

The default set can be changed or extended by setting the corresponding configuration option. However, it is important to note that many JCR API calls rely on the accessibility of the namespace, nodetype and privilege information. Removing the corresponding paths from the configuration will most probably have undesired effects.

Effective Policies

The effective policies exposed by AccessControlManager.getEffectivePolicies(String) and JackrabbitAccessControlManager.getEffectivePolicies(Set<Principal>) represent an immutable view on the persisted policies taking effect act the given path or for the given set of principals. Transient modifications that are the result of setPolicy and removePolicy will not be reflected.

Note however, that these methods are defined to be a best-effort. In particular AccessControlManager.getEffectivePolicies(String) will not evaluate restrictions associated with individual entries that might limit the effect to individual items in the subtree. See also OAK-8000 for details.

Access Control Entries

The access control entries present in a given list are subject to the following rules applied upon editing but not enforced by CommitHooks:

  • uniqueness: a given entry may only appear onces in a list
  • merging: if an entry exists for a given principal with the same allow-status and restrictions, the existing entry will be updated without being moved in the list.
  • redundancy: if an new entry makes an existing entry (partially) redundant the existing entry will be updated or removed altogether.


Access control entries may be created by limiting their effect by adding restrictions as mentioned by JSR 283. Details about the restriction management in Oak 1.0 as well as a list of built-in restrictions and extensibility can be found in section Restriction Management.

Unknown Principals and Non-Existing Paths

Access control policies (or their entries) are bound to principals and JCR item paths. However, both must not necessarily exist: You can have policies for non-existing paths and/or unknown principals (i.e. referential integrity is not ensured). Deleting the referenced node or authorizable representing the principal won't have any effect in general. On the other hand, as the actual policies are persisted in the repository, they are removed whenever any of the parent nodes is removed (like any other regular child node).

While importing access control policies via JCR XML import the behaviour for unknown principals can be configured.

Representation in the Repository

Access control policies created and modified using the default authorization model are stored as child of the node they are bound to with name rep:policy or as node with path /rep:repoPolicy (for repo-level policies). The node type definition used to represent access control content:

  + rep:policy (rep:Policy) protected IGNORE

  + rep:repoPolicy (rep:Policy) protected IGNORE


[rep:ACL] > rep:Policy
  + * (rep:ACE) = rep:GrantACE protected IGNORE

  - rep:principalName (STRING) protected mandatory
  - rep:privileges (NAME) protected mandatory multiple
  - rep:nodePath (PATH) protected /* deprecated in favor of restrictions */
  - rep:glob (STRING) protected   /* deprecated in favor of restrictions */
  - * (UNDEFINED) protected       /* deprecated in favor of restrictions */
  + rep:restrictions (rep:Restrictions) = rep:Restrictions protected /* since oak 1.0 */

[rep:GrantACE] > rep:ACE

[rep:DenyACE] > rep:ACE

 * @since oak 1.0
  - * (UNDEFINED) protected
  - * (UNDEFINED) protected multiple


Regular ACL at /content
"": {
    "jcr:primaryType": "rep:root",
    "content": {
        "jcr:primaryType": "oak:Unstructured",
        "jcr:mixinTypes": "rep:AccessControllable",
        "rep:policy": {
            "jcr:primaryType": "rep:ACL",
            "allow": {
                "jcr:primaryType": "rep:GrantACE",
                "rep:principalName": "jackrabbit",
                "rep:privileges": ["jcr:read", "rep:write"]
            "deny": {
                "jcr:primaryType": "rep:DenyACE",
                "rep:principalName": "jackrabbit",
                "rep:privileges": ["jcr:addNodes", "rep:addProperties"],
                "rep:restrictions" {
                    "jcr:primaryType": "rep:Restrictions",
                    "rep:ntNames": ["nt:hierarchyNode", "nt:resource"]
Repo-Level Policy
"": {
    "jcr:primaryType": "rep:root",
    "jcr:mixinTypes": "rep:RepoAccessControllable",
    "rep:repoPolicy": {
        "jcr:primaryType": "rep:ACL",
        "allow": {
            "jcr:primaryType": "rep:GrantACE",
            "rep:principalName": "elefant",
            "rep:privileges": ["rep:privilegeManagement"]

XML Import

As of Oak 1.0 access control content can be imported both with Session and Workspace import.

In addition the JCR XML import behavior has been extended to respect the o.a.j.oak.spi.xml.ImportBehavior flags instead of just performing a best effort import.

Currently the ImportBehavior is only used to switch between different ways of handling principals unknown to the repository. For consistency and in order to match the validation requirements as specified by AccessControlList#addAccessControlEntry the default behavior is ABORT (while in Jackrabbit 2.x the behavior always was BESTEFFORT).

The different ImportBehavior flags are implemented as follows:

  • ABORT: throws an AccessControlException if the principal is unknown
  • IGNORE: ignore the entry defining the unknown principal
  • BESTEFFORT: import the access control entry with an unknown principal.

In order to get the same best effort behavior as present with Jackrabbit 2.x the configuration parameters of the AuthorizationConfiguration must contain the following entry:

importBehavior = "besteffort"

See also (OAK-1350))


The consistency of this content structure is asserted by a dedicated AccessControlValidator. The corresponding errors are all of type AccessControl with the following codes:

Code Message
0001 Generic access control violation
0002 Access control entry node expected
0003 Invalid policy name
0004 Invalid policy node: Order of children is not stable
0005 Access control policy within access control content
0006 Isolated policy node
0007 Isolated access control entry
0008 ACE without principal name
0009 ACE without privileges
0010 ACE contains invalid privilege name
0011 ACE uses abstract privilege
0012 Repository level policies defined with non-root node
0013 Duplicate ACE found in policy


Configuration Parameters

The default implementation supports the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Type Default
PARAM_RESTRICTION_PROVIDER RestrictionProvider RestrictionProviderImpl
PARAM_READ_PATHS Set<String> paths to namespace, nodetype and privilege root nodes
PARAM_IMPORT_BEHAVIOR String (“abort”, “ignore”, “besteffort”) “abort”
Differences to Jackrabbit 2.x:
  • The “omit-default-permission” configuration option present with the Jackrabbit's AccessControlProvider implementations is no longer supported with Oak.
  • As of OAK no extra access control content is installed by default which renders that flag superfluous.