:: com :: sun :: star :: configuration ::

service ConfigurationUpdateAccess
provides modifying access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy.

Extends ConfigurationAccess to support modifying values or inserting and removing elements.

Descendants of this service also implement this service unless they are marked read-only (which is indicated by attribute PropertyAttribute::READONLY), in which case they only need implement ConfigurationAccess.

The classification of implementations that is described for ConfigurationAccess applies to implementations of this service as well. Therefore an implementation will support one of several alternate services describing its Container role and one of several alternate services describing its Element role. These services are extensions of the respective services documented for ConfigurationAccess.

  • Container role: A group permits changing child values. A set permits inserting and removing contained elements.
  • Element role: The root element of a modifiable tree provides extended functionality to control processing of changes for the entire tree (fragment) by supporting ::com::sun::star::util::XChangesBatch. For elements of a set or a group no additinal interfaces are supported.
See also
Root instances of this service can be requested from a ConfigurationProvider
Developers Guide
WritingUNO - Disable Commands - Disabling Commands at Runtime
Config - Object Model
Config - Updating Configuration Data

Included Services - Summary

is the basic service providing read access to an element of the configuration hierarchy and its child and descendent elements. (details)


specializes SetAccess to support modifying the element. (details)


specializes GroupAccess to support modifying contained data. (details)


specializes AccessRootElement to support transaction-like control over a batch of changes accumulated within the tree fragment. (details)

Included Services - Details
is the basic service providing read access to an element of the configuration hierarchy and its child and descendent elements.

The HierarchyAccess specialization implemented will be further specialized to support modifying access. Implementations shall therefore implement one of SetUpdate or GroupUpdate depending on the Container role.

If the HierarchyElement specialization that is implemented is AccessRootElement, the implementation must support the extended functionality of UpdateRootElement. Otherwise, there are no new requirements mandated by the Element role.

Usage Restrictions
specializes SetAccess to support modifying the element.

Implemented, if this element is a Set. Otherwise service GroupUpdate is provided.

Usage Restrictions
specializes GroupAccess to support modifying contained data.

Implemented, if this element is a Group. Otherwise service SetUpdate is provided.

Usage Restrictions
specializes AccessRootElement to support transaction-like control over a batch of changes accumulated within the tree fragment.

Implemented, if this element is the Root of the whole hierarchy. Otherwise either SetElement or GroupElement is provided.

See also
Instances obtained from a ConfigurationProvider will implement this version of HierarchyElement.

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