:: com :: sun :: star :: configuration ::

service SetUpdate
provides write access to a dynamic homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy.

Allows adding and removing elements. Helps creates new elements to be added.

This service extends SetAccess to support modifying the container.

Any child and descendant objects support modifying access as well, unless they represent a read-only tree element (as indicated by PropertyAttribute::READONLY).

Included Services - Summary

is the basic service providing read access to a set within the hierarchy.


is the basic service providing modifying access to a not necessarily hierarchical set. (details)

Included Services - Details
is the basic service providing read access to a set within the hierarchy.
is the basic service providing modifying access to a not necessarily hierarchical set.

Changes can be observed by registering a listener with interface ::com::sun::star::container::XContainer.

If the elements of this set are of object type, new elements are constructed to match the tree structure prescribed by the element template of this set, when using interfaces ::com::sun::star::lang::XSingleServiceFactory and (if supported) ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory.

Objects that are removed from a set can be reinserted into any set supporting the same template within the same hierarchy. Even under a different name.

Implementations that support insertion of objects that weren't obtained from within the hierarchy must reject elements that don't have the correct structure as described by the template, even if the object returns the correct template name from XTemplateInstance::getTemplateName().

Other ways in which an element may be moved among or within compatible sets include ::com::sun::star::container::XChild::setParent() and ::com::sun::star::container::XNamed::setName(), if the element implements them.

See also

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