:: com :: sun :: star :: configuration ::

service UpdateRootElement
provides update control for a hierarchy of configuration items and information about the hierarchy as a whole as well as its root.

Extends AccessRootElement by adding support for collecting changes and applying them to a backend store as a single batch.

An implementation represents the root of a partial hierarchy. [See the documentation for AccessRootElement]. The hierarchy in turn is a view onto a fragment of persistent data tree that can be accessed through several such views, or even several processes, simultaneously.

Elements of the hierarchy, such as descendants of this root element, may support modification by providing appropriate interfaces. Changes done this way initially only affect these objects themselves and other objects within the same hierarchy, such as other descendants of this root element.

The accumulated changes within this hierarchy can be managed using ::com::sun::star::util::XChangesBatch. Pending changes will become persistent and visible from other overlapping hierarchies only when ::com::sun::star::util::XChangesBatch::commitChanges() is called. If the hierarchy is disposed or discarded without committing changes, the changes will be lost.

See also
GroupUpdate, SetUpdate

Included Services - Summary

provides (read-only) access to information about the root element of (a fragment of) the hierarchy. It also provides some functionality concerning the hierarchy (fragment) accessible from that element as a whole.

Exported Interfaces - Summary

allows managing changes within the hierarchy. (details)

Included Services - Details
provides (read-only) access to information about the root element of (a fragment of) the hierarchy. It also provides some functionality concerning the hierarchy (fragment) accessible from that element as a whole.
Exported Interfaces - Details
allows managing changes within the hierarchy.

::com::sun::star::util::XChangesBatch::getPendingChanges() reports all changes within the hierarchy that are done through (direct or indirect) descendants of this element. The same set of changes is committed to persistent storage and/or made visible to other objects accessing the same data set, when ::com::sun::star::util::XChangesBatch::commitChanges() is invoked.

If the implementation supports ::com::sun::star::lang::XLocalizable::setLocale(), changes will be considered to apply to the locale that is set when ::com::sun::star::util::XChangesBatch::commitChanges() is invoked.

@ see AccessRootElement @ see com::sun::star::util::XChangesNotifier

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