:: com :: sun :: star :: configuration ::

service ConfigurationAccess
provides read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy.

Values that are direct or indirect descendants of a root element can be retrieved and, if themselves objects, navigated. Other interfaces provide access to information about this element and its context. Changes to values in the hierarchy can be monitored by event listeners.

Descendants of this service also implement this service.

Ultimately the configuration holds values. These values are organized into a hierarchy using structural elements. The structure is defined in advance in a schema. Necessary information from the schema is stored in the configuration repository itself and is accessible through an implementation of this service.

Two different kinds of structural elements are used in the configuration hierarchy:

are dynamic containers of homogeneous elements. Which elements a set contains can vary. Their names are defined by the clients that insert them. On the other hand, the type of the elements is the same for all elements. In the case of elements that are themselves hierarchy objects, the type includes the structure of the hierarchy fragment they contain. Such types are defined in the configuration schema as templates.
are static collections of heterogeneous elements. The names and types of the elements of a group are completely defined in the configuration schema. Here each element may be of a different type, allowing groups that contain a mix of subobjects and simple values.

Objects in the configuration hierarchy, for example, implementations of this service, can thus be classified in the following ways:

  • Container role: An object that can hold child elements as a set or a group.
  • Element role: An object may be an element of a set or a group or else it may be the root element.

Several types of simple values can be used in the configuration. In addition to the basic (scalar) types, sequences of the basic types are supported. The basic types are:

  • string can hold a human-readable text.

    Values are represented as string.

    Sequences are represented as string[].

    'human-readable' here excludes non-printing characters except for CR, LF and TAB [Unicode code points 9,10,13]. For binary data, use type binary instead.

  • boolean can hold the values true or false.

    Values are represented as boolean.

    Sequences are represented as boolean[].

  • short can hold a 16-bit signed integer.

    Values are represented as short.

    Sequences are represented as short[].

  • int can hold a 32-bit signed integer.

    Values are represented as long.

    Sequences are represented as long[].

  • long can hold a 64-bit signed integer.

    Values are represented as hyper.

    Sequences are represented as hyper[].

  • double can hold a floating point number.

    Values are represented as double.

    Sequences are represented as double[].

  • binary can hold a sequence of octets.

    Values are represented as byte[].

    Sequences are represented as byte[][].

Within templates an additional type any can occur. When such a template is used to create a new SetElement, the type of the element is initially reported as any (having no value). When the value of such an element is first set, it will assume the type used.

If the schema marks a value as nullable (which is indicated by attribute PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID ), its contents may be NULL.

The configuration should support explicit access to default values (implementing ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyState and ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyWithState).

See also
Root instances of this service can be requested from a ConfigurationProvider.
See also
an extended service that includes facilities for modifying configuration data.
Developers Guide
Config - Reading Configuration Data
Config - Object Model

Included Services - Summary

provides interfaces to access child and descendent elements. (details)


provides interfaces to obtain information about this element and its role and context in the hierarchy. (details)


specializes HierarchyAccess, if this element is a Set. (details)


specializes HierarchyAccess, if this element is a Group. (details)


specializes HierarchyElement, if this element is the Root of the whole hierarchy. (details)


specializes HierarchyElement, if this element may be contained in a Set. (details)


specializes HierarchyElement, if this element is a child of a Group. (details)

Included Services - Details
provides interfaces to access child and descendent elements.

An implementation actually implements a specialization of this service, which depends on its Container role.

Implementations shall implement exactly one of:

provides interfaces to obtain information about this element and its role and context in the hierarchy.

An implementation actually implements a specialization of this service, which depends on its Element role.

Implementations shall implement exactly one of:

Usage Restrictions
specializes HierarchyAccess, if this element is a Set.

This is an alternative to GroupAccess.

Usage Restrictions
specializes HierarchyAccess, if this element is a Group.

This is an alternative to SetAccess.

Usage Restrictions
specializes HierarchyElement, if this element is the Root of the whole hierarchy.

This is an alternative to SetElement or GroupElement.

See also
Instances obtained from a ConfigurationProvider will implement this version of HierarchyElement.
Usage Restrictions
specializes HierarchyElement, if this element may be contained in a Set.

This is an alternative to AccessRootElement or GroupElement.

Usage Restrictions
specializes HierarchyElement, if this element is a child of a Group.

This is an alternative to AccessRootElement or SetElement.

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