Installation - Merlin 3.3


After downloading the Merlin 3.3.0 binary distribution and unpacking the archive into you preferred location, you should have a directory structure that looks like the following:


MERLIN_HOME Environment Variable

To use Merlin command line support or the Merlin NT Service you will need to define the MERLIN_HOME environment variable for your system and include MERLIN_HOME/bin in your system path. The MERLIN_HOME environment variable should point to the merlin directory.

Under Windows you can set environment variables by selecting the Environment Tab from the System Control Panel.

Under Lunix you can do this as follows:

  $ echo '
  > # set location of merlin
  > export MERLIN_HOME=/opt/merlin
  > # include it in the path
  > export PATH=$PATH:$MERLIN_HOME/bin
  > ' >> ~/.bash_profile
  $ source ~/.bash_profile

AVALON_HOME Environment Variable

Versions of Merlin prior to the 3.2-dev 20031210 build maintained a local repository of jar files under the %MERLIN_HOME%/repository directory. As of the 20031210 build the repository is maintained under AVALON_HOME/repository where AVALON_HOME defaults to ${user.home}/.avalon. To override the AVALON_HOME directory you can either define a AVALON_HOME environment variable or you can add a file to ${user.home} containing the "merlin.repository" property key and a value point to you preferred repository location.

Maven Plugin Installation

The merlin system installation is now complete. Three plugins supporting development are provided and can be installed using the commands listed below (please check the packaged INSTALL.TXT for correct version numbers):

$ maven -DgroupId=avalon-util -DartifactId=avalon-util-plugin plugin:download
$ maven -DgroupId=avalon-meta -DartifactId=avalon-meta-plugin plugin:download
$ maven -DgroupId=merlin -DartifactId=merlin-plugin plugin:download

Validating your installation.

The following instructions assume that you have defined the MERLIN_HOME environment variable that points the directory containing the Merlin installation.

To confirm that you MERLIN_HOME variable is correct, you should open a new command line window and invoke the Merlin CLI application. The following command should list the Merlin CLI help information.

$ -help
usage: merlin [block] [-lang <code>] [-install <url>] 
  [-library <directory>] [-help] [-version] [-home <directory>] 
  [-impl <artifact>] [-debug] [-info] [-config <url>] 
  [-context <directory>] [-system <directory>] [-execute] 
  [-repository <directory>] [-kernel <url>]...

Cygwin Notes

Due to restrictions related to the handling of spaces in filename and/or directory names when running under the Cygwin environment you will need to quote and escape command line arguments that contain references with embedded spaces.

For example:

  merlin -home '/My\ Documents/merlin/apps/abc' -execute

Next Steps

Now that you have installed Merlin on your system you can proceed to the Using Merlin tutorial page.