Building Merlin from CVS


To build the Merlin installation you need to checkout the Merlin project from CVS. The commands in this document assume a unix-style system; the procedure under windows is similar, and identical if you have cygwin installed.

$ cvs -d login
$ cvs -z3 -d co avalon


Once checkout is complete you can build Merlin using Maven as follows:

$ cd avalon/util
$ maven
$ cd ../meta
$ maven
$ cd ../repository
$ maven
$ cd ../logging
$ maven
$ cd ../composition
$ maven
$ cd ../activation
$ maven
$ cd ../merlin
$ maven

The above build procedure will create a installation directory containing the Merlin system at

       ( generated merlin install directory )


Copy the 'merlin' directory to your preferred location installation location. For example, you may want to copy the installation dir to the /opt dir:

$ cp -Rf merlin/target/merlin /opt/merlin

Continue with the binary install instructions concerning the setup of environment variables to complete your installation.


If your using the maven build environment you will need to install the supplied plugins. Plugins are conviniently packaged in the merlin/plugins directory.

The following maven command will install a plugin into the maven system (check distribution for latest version numbers).

$ maven -DgroupId=avalon-util -DartifactId=avalon-util-plugin plugin:download
$ maven -DgroupId=avalon-meta -DartifactId=avalon-meta-plugin plugin:download
$ maven -DgroupId=merlin -DartifactId=merlin-plugin plugin:download