
Declare MERLIN_HOME environment variable

To use Merlin command line support or the Merlin NT Service you will need to define the MERLIN_HOME environment variable for your system and include MERLIN_HOME/bin in your system path:

$ echo '
> # set location of merlin
> export MERLIN_HOME=/opt/merlin
> # include it in the path
> export PATH=$PATH:$MERLIN_HOME/bin
> ' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile

Validating your installation.

The following instructions assume that you have defined the MERLIN_HOME environment variable that points the directory containing the Merlin installation.

To confirm that you MERLIN_HOME variable is correct, you should open a new command line window and invoke the Merlin CLI application. The following command should list the Merlin CLI help information.

$ -help
usage: merlin [block] [-debug] [-config <file>] [-lang
<code>] [-repository <directory>] [-kernel <file>] [-home
<directory>] [-version] [-help]

Next Steps

Now that you have installed Merlin on your system you can proceed to the Using Merlin tutorial page.