Package org.apache.xerces.utils

Interface Summary
NamespacesScope.NamespacesHandler NamespacesHandler allows a client to be notified when namespace scopes change
XMLMessageProvider Interface describing how to provide localized error messages to the XMLErrorReporter

Class Summary
CharDataChunk This class provides the character buffers used by some of the reader classes.
ChunkyByteArray This class is used for accessing the data provided by an InputStream.
ImplementationMessages ImplementationMessages provides messages internal to the parser implementation
NamespacesScope NamespacesScope provides a data structure for mapping namespace prefixes to their URI's.
StringHasher Algorithm used to hash char arrays (strings).
XMLCharacterProperties A class representing properties of characters according to various W3C recommendations XMLCharacterProperties provides convenience methods for commonly used character tests.
XMLMessages XMLMessages provides error messages for the XML 1.0 Recommendation and for the Namespaces Recommendation

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