Package org.apache.xerces.validators.datatype

Interface Summary
DatatypeValidator DataTypeValidator defines the interface that data type validators must obey.

Class Summary
BinaryValidator binaryValidator validates that XML content is a W3C binary type.
BooleanValidator BooleanValidator validates that content satisfies the W3C XML Datatype for Boolean
DecimalValidator DecimalValidator validates that content satisfies the W3C XML Datatype for decimal
DoubleValidator RealValidator validates that content satisfies the W3C XML Datatype for Real
FloatValidator RealValidator validates that content satisfies the W3C XML Datatype for Real
IntegerValidator IntegerValidator validates that content satisfies the W3C XML Datatype for Integer
RealValidator RealValidator validates that content satisfies the W3C XML Datatype for Real
StringValidator StringValidator validates that XML content is a W3C string type.
TimeDurationValidator TimeDurationValidator validates that XML content is a W3C timeDuration.
TimeInstantValidator TimeInstantValidator validates that XML content is a W3C timeInstant type.
URIValidator URIValidator validates that XML content is a W3C uri type, according to RFC 2396

Exception Summary
IllegalFacetException IllegalFacetException is thrown when the supplied facet is not allowed for a datatype
IllegalFacetValueException IllegalFacetValueException is thrown when a facet's value does not match its datatype
InvalidDatatypeValueException InvalidDatatypeValueException is thrown when data value doesn't match it's datatype
UnknownFacetException UnknownFacetException is thrown when a facet which not one of the datatype facets is supplied to a datatype validator.

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