Class NamespacesScope


public class NamespacesScope
extends java.lang.Object

NamespacesScope provides a data structure for mapping namespace prefixes to their URI's. The mapping accurately reflects the scoping of namespaces at a particular instant in time.

Inner Class Summary
static interface NamespacesScope.NamespacesHandler
          NamespacesHandler allows a client to be notified when namespace scopes change
Constructor Summary
NamespacesScope(NamespacesScope.NamespacesHandler handler)
Method Summary
 void decreaseDepth()
          Remove a namespace mappng
 int getNamespaceForPrefix(int prefix)
          retreive the namespace URI for a prefix
 void increaseDepth()
          Add a new namespace mapping
 void setNamespaceForPrefix(int prefix, int namespace)
          set the namespace URI for given prefix
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NamespacesScope(NamespacesScope.NamespacesHandler handler)
Method Detail


public void setNamespaceForPrefix(int prefix,
                                  int namespace)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
set the namespace URI for given prefix
prefix - the StringPool handler of the prefix
namespace - the StringPool handle of the namespace URI


public int getNamespaceForPrefix(int prefix)
retreive the namespace URI for a prefix
prefix - the StringPool handle of the prefix


public void increaseDepth()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Add a new namespace mapping


public void decreaseDepth()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Remove a namespace mappng

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