Uses of Interface

Packages that use NHttpServerEventHandler
org.apache.http.impl.nio Default implementations of HTTP connections for asynchronous, even driven communication. 
org.apache.http.nio.protocol Core HTTP protocol execution framework and HTTP protocol handlers for asynchronous, event driven communication. 

Uses of NHttpServerEventHandler in org.apache.http.impl.nio

Classes in org.apache.http.impl.nio with type parameters of type NHttpServerEventHandler
 class DefaultHttpServerIODispatch<H extends NHttpServerEventHandler>
          Default IOEventDispatch implementation that supports both plain (non-encrypted) and SSL encrypted server side HTTP connections.

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.nio with type parameters of type NHttpServerEventHandler
<T extends NHttpServerEventHandler>
DefaultHttpServerIODispatch.create(T handler, SSLContext sslContext, ConnectionConfig config)
          Creates a new instance of this class to be used for dispatching I/O event notifications to the given protocol handler.
<T extends NHttpServerEventHandler>
DefaultHttpServerIODispatch.create(T eventHandler, SSLContext sslContext, ConnectionConfig config, HttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory)
          Creates a new instance of this class to be used for dispatching I/O event notifications to the given protocol handler.
<T extends NHttpServerEventHandler>
DefaultHttpServerIODispatch.create(T handler, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler sslHandler, ConnectionConfig config)
          Creates a new instance of this class to be used for dispatching I/O event notifications to the given protocol handler.

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.nio with parameters of type NHttpServerEventHandler
 void DefaultNHttpServerConnection.consumeInput(NHttpServerEventHandler handler)
 void DefaultNHttpServerConnection.produceOutput(NHttpServerEventHandler handler)

Uses of NHttpServerEventHandler in org.apache.http.nio.protocol

Classes in org.apache.http.nio.protocol that implement NHttpServerEventHandler
 class HttpAsyncService
          HttpAsyncService is a fully asynchronous HTTP server side protocol handler based on the non-blocking (NIO) I/O model.

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