Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractIODispatch
org.apache.http.impl.nio Default implementations of HTTP connections for asynchronous, even driven communication. 

Uses of AbstractIODispatch in org.apache.http.impl.nio

Subclasses of AbstractIODispatch in org.apache.http.impl.nio
 class DefaultClientIOEventDispatch
          Deprecated. (4.2) use DefaultHttpClientIODispatch
 class DefaultHttpClientIODispatch<H extends NHttpClientEventHandler>
          Default IOEventDispatch implementation that supports both plain (non-encrypted) and SSL encrypted client side HTTP connections.
 class DefaultHttpServerIODispatch<H extends NHttpServerEventHandler>
          Default IOEventDispatch implementation that supports both plain (non-encrypted) and SSL encrypted server side HTTP connections.
 class DefaultServerIOEventDispatch
          Deprecated. (4.2) use DefaultHttpServerIODispatch

Uses of AbstractIODispatch in org.apache.http.impl.nio.ssl

Subclasses of AbstractIODispatch in org.apache.http.impl.nio.ssl
 class SSLClientIOEventDispatch
          Deprecated. (4.2) use DefaultHttpClientIODispatch
 class SSLServerIOEventDispatch
          Deprecated. (4.2) use DefaultHttpServerIODispatch

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