Templates are loaded on application loaded and added in the hidden div #html-fragments.
They are loaded using requirejs and the text plugin.
archiva templates are loaded as it NOTE: the no cache is activated only on dev mode
require(['jquery',"jquery.tmpl",'i18n',"utils","text!templates/archiva/menu.html", "text!templates/archiva/generics.html", "text!templates/archiva/modal.html", "text!templates/archiva/repositories.html", "text!templates/archiva/search.html", "text!templates/archiva/general-admin.html"], function(jquery,jqueryTmpl,i18n,utils,menu,generics,modal,repositories, search,general_admin) { loadArchivaTemplate=function(){ var htmlFragment=$("#html-fragments"); // template loading htmlFragment.append(menu); htmlFragment.append(generics); $.tmpl( modal ).appendTo(htmlFragment); htmlFragment.append(repositories); htmlFragment.append(search); htmlFragment.append(general_admin); $.log("main-tmpl.js loaded"); } } );
Some templates which are only simple html which only need i18n are executed immediatly.
Simply use:
$.tmpl( menu, $.i18n.map ).appendTo("#html-fragments"); to get i18n values in your template you can use ${register} or ${$.i18n.prop('register')} Note if you use the simple form ${register} and the property is not available, the template system will try to use if exists the function register