<server> <id>archiva-repository.releases</id> <username></username> <password></password> </server>
<profile> <id>apache-release</id> <properties> <gpg.passphrase>[GPG_PASSWORD]</gpg.passphrase> </properties> </profile>
Set your user credentials for the stage repo in the servers section of your settings.xml for archiva-repository.releases.
Execute mvn release:prepare (check that it has been properly tagged. the tag name must be.. archiva-[VERSION]).
Next, execute mvn release:perform
Download the uploaded files via wget:
ARCHV="2.2.3" # Enter the new archiva version RELEASE_URL="http://archiva-repository.apache.org/archiva/repository/archiva-releases-stage" wget ${RELEASE_URL}/org/apache/archiva/archiva-jetty/${ARCHV}/archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}-bin.tar.gz # Verify the signatures: gpg -v archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}-bin.zip.asc
The documentation is deployed as part of the process to the final location for review in the vote:
git checkout archiva-${ARCHV} # Checkout the release version of archiva cd archiva-doc mvn site-deploy
If the vote doesn't pass, the documentation will need to be removed from the server for redeployment.
Commit the sources and binaries from org/apache/archiva/archiva-jetty and org/apache/archiva/archiva to the svn distribution tree. First in dev tree: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/archiva/
svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/archiva/ archiva-dev-release cd archiva-dev-release sh ./release-script-svn.sh $ARCHV ${RELEASE_URL}/ # For parent pom or redback: POMV=18 # New Parent POM version sh ./release-script-parent-pom.sh $POMV ${RELEASE_URL}/ REDBV=2.6 # New redback version sh ./release-script-redback-svn.sh $REDBV ${RELEASE_URL}/
If the vote pass they will be copied to release tree: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/archiva
Call for a vote in the dev list and wait for 72 hrs. for the vote results. 3 binding votes are necessary for the release to be finalized. If the vote fails or needs to be canceled, the version number should not be re-used if the version was made available for public download. After the vote has passed, move the files from dist dev to dist release:
svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/archiva/${ARCHV} https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/relase/archiva/ # Move also the POM and Redback and Redback Component releases, if there are new ones.
To sync the jars to Maven Central, you need to merge the repository archiva-releases-stage to "Central Rsync Repository"
Mark the appropriate release version in JIRA as complete.
Update the archiva site (https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/archiva/site/) for the versions and release notes URL:
Mostly these properties of the pom.xml should be edited:
<archivaReleaseVersion>2.2.3</archivaReleaseVersion> <archivaReleaseDate>16th May 2017</archivaReleaseDate> <archivaCurrentDevVersion>3.0.0-SNAPSHOT</archivaCurrentDevVersion>
Run mvn site:run and verify the changes. Commit your changes. Then run mvn site-deploy.
Once mirroring done (can be 24H): remove previous versions from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/archiva/
Publish the reference docs (sh ./deploySite.sh in the archiva-modules directory) from the release tag. You may have to exclude the archiva-webapp module to do this, and will require MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx256m. You may need to use Maven 2.2.1 instead of Maven 3.x for this.
Send out an announcement of the release to: