Uses of Interface

Packages that use EventTarget
org.apache.batik.bridge Provides an API for mapping and maintaining consistency between the SVG DOM tree and the GVT tree. 
org.apache.batik.dom Provides an implementation of the DOM level 2 core module. Provides an implementation of the DOM level 2 events module. 
org.apache.batik.extension This package contains Batik's extensions to standard SVG (custom elements, additional bridges...). 

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.anim.dom

Classes in org.apache.batik.anim.dom that implement EventTarget
 class BindableElement
          This class implements foreign namespace elements that can be bound with XBL.
 class SVG12OMDocument
          This class implements SVGDocument and provides support for SVG 1.2 specifics.
 class SVGDescriptiveElement
          This class provides a common superclass for elements which contain descriptive text.
 class SVGGraphicsElement
          This class provides a common superclass for all graphics elements.
 class SVGOMAElement
          This class implements SVGAElement.
 class SVGOMAltGlyphDefElement
          This class implements SVGAltGlyphDefElement.
 class SVGOMAltGlyphElement
          This class implements SVGAltGlyphElement.
 class SVGOMAltGlyphItemElement
          This class implements SVGAltGlyphItemElement.
 class SVGOMAnimateColorElement
          This class implements SVGAnimateColorElement.
 class SVGOMAnimateElement
          This class implements SVGAnimateElement.
 class SVGOMAnimateMotionElement
          This class implements SVGAnimateMotionElement.
 class SVGOMAnimateTransformElement
          This class implements SVGAnimateTransformElement.
 class SVGOMAnimationElement
          This class provides an implementation of the SVGAnimationElement interface.
 class SVGOMCircleElement
          This class implements SVGCircleElement.
 class SVGOMClipPathElement
          This class implements SVGClipPathElement.
 class SVGOMColorProfileElement
          This class implements SVGColorProfileElement.
 class SVGOMComponentTransferFunctionElement
          This class represents the component transfer function elements.
 class SVGOMCursorElement
          This class implements SVGCursorElement.
 class SVGOMDefinitionSrcElement
          This class implements SVGDefinitionSrcElement.
 class SVGOMDefsElement
          This class implements SVGDefsElement.
 class SVGOMDescElement
          This class implements SVGDescElement.
 class SVGOMDocument
          This class implements SVGDocument.
 class SVGOMElement
          This class implements the SVGElement interface.
 class SVGOMEllipseElement
          This class implements SVGEllipseElement.
 class SVGOMFEBlendElement
          This class implements SVGFEBlendElement.
 class SVGOMFEColorMatrixElement
          This class implements SVGFEColorMatrixElement.
 class SVGOMFEComponentTransferElement
          This class implements SVGFEComponentTransferElement.
 class SVGOMFECompositeElement
          This class implements SVGFECompositeElement.
 class SVGOMFEConvolveMatrixElement
          This class implements SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.
 class SVGOMFEDiffuseLightingElement
          This class implements SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.
 class SVGOMFEDisplacementMapElement
          This class implements SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.
 class SVGOMFEDistantLightElement
          This class implements SVGFEDistantLightElement.
 class SVGOMFEFloodElement
          This class implements SVGFEFloodElement.
 class SVGOMFEFuncAElement
          This class implements SVGFEFuncAElement.
 class SVGOMFEFuncBElement
          This class implements SVGFEFuncBElement.
 class SVGOMFEFuncGElement
          This class implements SVGFEFuncGElement.
 class SVGOMFEFuncRElement
          This class implements SVGFEFuncRElement.
 class SVGOMFEGaussianBlurElement
          This class implements SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.
 class SVGOMFEImageElement
          This class implements SVGFEImageElement.
 class SVGOMFEMergeElement
          This class implements SVGFEMergeElement.
 class SVGOMFEMergeNodeElement
          This class implements SVGFEMergeNodeElement.
 class SVGOMFEMorphologyElement
          This class implements SVGFEMorphologyElement.
 class SVGOMFEOffsetElement
          This class implements SVGFEOffsetElement.
 class SVGOMFEPointLightElement
          This class implements SVGFEPointLightElement.
 class SVGOMFESpecularLightingElement
          This class implements SVGFESpecularLightingElement.
 class SVGOMFESpotLightElement
          This class implements SVGFESpotLightElement.
 class SVGOMFETileElement
          This class implements SVGFETileElement.
 class SVGOMFETurbulenceElement
          This class implements SVGFETurbulenceElement.
 class SVGOMFilterElement
          This class implements SVGFilterElement.
 class SVGOMFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
          This class represents a SVGElement with support for standard filter attributes.
 class SVGOMFlowDivElement
          This class implements the flowDiv element from SVG 1.2
 class SVGOMFlowLineElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMFlowParaElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMFlowRegionBreakElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMFlowRegionElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMFlowRegionExcludeElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMFlowRootElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMFlowSpanElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMFontElement
          This class implements SVGFontElement.
 class SVGOMFontFaceElement
          This class implements SVGFontFaceElement.
 class SVGOMFontFaceFormatElement
          This class implements SVGFontFaceFormatElement.
 class SVGOMFontFaceNameElement
          This class implements SVGFontFaceNameElement.
 class SVGOMFontFaceSrcElement
          This class implements SVGFontFaceSrcElement.
 class SVGOMFontFaceUriElement
          This class implements SVGFontFaceUriElement.
 class SVGOMForeignObjectElement
          This class implements SVGForeignObjectElement.
 class SVGOMGElement
          This class implements SVGGElement.
 class SVGOMGlyphElement
          This class implements SVGGlyphElement.
 class SVGOMGlyphRefElement
          This class implements SVGGlyphRefElement.
 class SVGOMGradientElement
          This class implements SVGGradientElement.
 class SVGOMHandlerElement
          This class implements SVGHandlerElement.
 class SVGOMHKernElement
          This class implements SVGHKernElement.
 class SVGOMImageElement
          This class implements SVGImageElement.
 class SVGOMLinearGradientElement
          This class implements SVGLinearGradientElement.
 class SVGOMLineElement
          This class implements SVGLineElement.
 class SVGOMMarkerElement
          This class implements SVGMarkerElement.
 class SVGOMMaskElement
          This class implements SVGMaskElement.
 class SVGOMMetadataElement
          This class implements SVGMetadataElement.
 class SVGOMMissingGlyphElement
          This class implements SVGMissingGlyphElement.
 class SVGOMMPathElement
          This class implements SVGMPathElement.
 class SVGOMMultiImageElement
          This class implements a multiImage extension to SVG.
 class SVGOMPathElement
          This class implements SVGPathElement.
 class SVGOMPatternElement
          This class implements SVGStopElement.
 class SVGOMPolygonElement
          This class implements SVGPolygonElement.
 class SVGOMPolylineElement
          This class implements SVGPolylineElement.
 class SVGOMRadialGradientElement
          This class implements SVGRadialGradientElement.
 class SVGOMRectElement
          This class implements SVGRectElement.
 class SVGOMScriptElement
          This class implements SVGScriptElement.
 class SVGOMSetElement
          This class implements SVGSetElement.
 class SVGOMSolidColorElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class SVGOMStopElement
          This class implements SVGStopElement.
 class SVGOMStyleElement
          This class implements SVGStyleElement.
 class SVGOMSubImageElement
          This class implements a multiImage extension to SVG.
 class SVGOMSubImageRefElement
          This class implements a multiImage extension to SVG.
 class SVGOMSVGElement
          This class implements SVGSVGElement.
 class SVGOMSwitchElement
          This class implements SVGSwitchElement.
 class SVGOMSymbolElement
          This class implements SVGSymbolElement.
 class SVGOMTextContentElement
          This class provides a common superclass for all graphics elements.
 class SVGOMTextElement
          This class implements SVGTextElement.
 class SVGOMTextPathElement
          This class implements SVGTextPathElement.
 class SVGOMTextPositioningElement
          This class implements SVGTextPositioningElement.
 class SVGOMTitleElement
          This class implements SVGTitleElement.
 class SVGOMToBeImplementedElement
          This is a development only class.
 class SVGOMTRefElement
          This class implements SVGTRefElement.
 class SVGOMTSpanElement
          This class implements SVGTSpanElement.
 class SVGOMURIReferenceElement
          This class implements SVGURIReference.
 class SVGOMUseElement
          This class implements SVGUseElement.
 class SVGOMViewElement
          This class implements SVGViewElement.
 class SVGOMVKernElement
          This class implements SVGVKernElement.
 class SVGPointShapeElement
          This class provides a common superclass for shape elements that are defined with a 'points' attribute (i.e., polygon and polyline).
 class SVGStylableElement
          This class provides a common superclass for elements which implement SVGStylable.
 class SVGStyleSheetProcessingInstruction
          This class provides an implementation of the 'xml-stylesheet' processing instructions.
 class SVGURIReferenceGraphicsElement
          This class provides support for Xlink to a graphics element.
 class SVGURIReferenceTextPositioningElement
          This class implements both SVGTextPositioningElement and SVGURIReference..
 class XBLOMContentElement
          This class implements the xbl:content element.
 class XBLOMDefinitionElement
          This class implements the xbl:definition element.
 class XBLOMElement
          Base class for all XBL elements to inherit from.
 class XBLOMHandlerGroupElement
          This class implements the xbl:handlerGroup element.
 class XBLOMImportElement
          This class implements the xbl:import element.
 class XBLOMShadowTreeElement
          This class implements the xbl:shadowTree element.
 class XBLOMTemplateElement
          This class implements the xbl:template element.
 class XBLOMXBLElement
          This class implements the xbl:xbl element.

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.anim.timing

Fields in org.apache.batik.anim.timing declared as EventTarget
protected  EventTarget EventbaseTimingSpecifier.eventTarget
          The eventbase element as an EventTarget.

Methods in org.apache.batik.anim.timing that return EventTarget
protected abstract  EventTarget TimedElement.getAnimationEventTarget()
          Returns the target of this animation as an EventTarget.
protected abstract  EventTarget TimedElement.getEventTargetById(String id)
          Returns the event target with the given ID.
protected abstract  EventTarget TimedElement.getRootEventTarget()
          Returns the event target that should be listened to for access key events.

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.bridge

Fields in org.apache.batik.bridge declared as EventTarget
protected  EventTarget FocusManager.lastFocusEventTarget
          The element that has the focus so far.

Methods in org.apache.batik.bridge that return EventTarget
protected  EventTarget SVGAnimationElementBridge.SVGTimedElement.getAnimationEventTarget()
          Returns the target of this animation as an EventTarget.
protected  EventTarget SVGAnimationEngine.AnimationRoot.getAnimationEventTarget()
          Returns the target of this animation as an EventTarget.
 EventTarget FocusManager.getCurrentEventTarget()
          Returns the current element that has the focus or null if any.
protected  EventTarget SVGAnimationElementBridge.SVGTimedElement.getEventTargetById(String id)
          Returns the event target with the given ID.
protected  EventTarget SVGAnimationEngine.AnimationRoot.getEventTargetById(String id)
          Returns the event target with the given ID.
static EventTarget AnimationSupport.getEventTargetById(String id, Node n)
          Returns the event target with the given ID, using the given node as the context for the lookup.
protected  EventTarget SVGAnimationElementBridge.SVGTimedElement.getRootEventTarget()
          Returns the event target that should be listened to for access key events.
protected  EventTarget SVGAnimationEngine.AnimationRoot.getRootEventTarget()
          Returns the event target that should be listened to for access key events.

Methods in org.apache.batik.bridge with parameters of type EventTarget
protected  void FocusManager.fireDOMActivateEvent(EventTarget target, int detailArg)
          Fires a 'DOMActivate' event to the specified target.
protected  void FocusManager.fireDOMFocusInEvent(EventTarget target, EventTarget relatedTarget)
          Fires a 'DOMFocusIn' event to the specified target.
protected  void FocusManager.fireDOMFocusOutEvent(EventTarget target, EventTarget relatedTarget)
          Fires a 'DOMFocusOut' event to the specified target.
static void AnimationSupport.fireTimeEvent(EventTarget target, String eventType, Calendar time, int detail)
          Fires a TimeEvent on the given EventTarget.
protected static void BridgeEventSupport.storeEventListener(BridgeContext ctx, EventTarget e, String t, EventListener l, boolean c)
          Calls storeEventListener on the given BridgeContext.
protected  void BridgeContext.storeEventListener(EventTarget t, String s, EventListener l, boolean b)
          Adds to the eventListenerSet the specified event listener registration.
protected static void BridgeEventSupport.storeEventListenerNS(BridgeContext ctx, EventTarget e, String n, String t, EventListener l, boolean c)
          Calls storeEventListenerNS on the given BridgeContext.
protected  void BridgeContext.storeEventListenerNS(EventTarget t, String n, String s, EventListener l, boolean b)
          Adds to the eventListenerSet the specified event listener registration.

Constructors in org.apache.batik.bridge with parameters of type EventTarget
BridgeContext.EventListenerMememto(EventTarget t, String s, EventListener l, boolean b, BridgeContext ctx)
BridgeContext.EventListenerMememto(EventTarget t, String n, String s, EventListener l, boolean b, BridgeContext ctx)

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12

Fields in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12 declared as EventTarget
protected  EventTarget SVG12BridgeContext.mouseCaptureTarget
          The EventTarget that has the mouse capture.

Methods in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12 with parameters of type EventTarget
protected  void SVG12FocusManager.fireDOMFocusInEvent(EventTarget target, EventTarget relatedTarget)
          Fires a 'DOMFocusIn' event to the specified target.
protected  void SVG12FocusManager.fireDOMFocusOutEvent(EventTarget target, EventTarget relatedTarget)
          Fires a 'DOMFocusOut' event to the specified target.
 void SVG12ScriptingEnvironment.Global.startMouseCapture(EventTarget target, boolean sendAll, boolean autoRelease)
          Implements SVGGlobal.startMouseCapture(EventTarget,boolean,boolean).
 void SVG12BridgeContext.startMouseCapture(EventTarget target, boolean sendAll, boolean autoRelease)
          Starts mouse capture.
protected  void SVG12BridgeContext.storeImplementationEventListenerNS(EventTarget t, String ns, String s, EventListener l, boolean b)
          Adds to the eventListenerSet the specified implementation event listener registration.

Constructors in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12 with parameters of type EventTarget
SVG12BridgeContext.ImplementationEventListenerMememto(EventTarget t, String s, EventListener l, boolean b, BridgeContext c)
          Creates a new ImplementationEventListenerMememto.
SVG12BridgeContext.ImplementationEventListenerMememto(EventTarget t, String n, String s, EventListener l, boolean b, BridgeContext c)
          Creates a new ImplementationEventListenerMememto.

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.css.engine

Methods in org.apache.batik.css.engine with parameters of type EventTarget
protected  void CSSEngine.addEventListeners(EventTarget doc)
          Adds event listeners to the document to track CSS changes.
protected  void CSSEngine.removeEventListeners(EventTarget doc)
          Removes the event listeners from the document.

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.dom

Subinterfaces of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.dom
 interface ExtendedNode
          This interface provides an access to the non DOM methods implemented by all the nodes in this implementation.

Classes in org.apache.batik.dom that implement EventTarget
 class AbstractAttr
          This class implements the Attr interface.
 class AbstractAttrNS
          This class implements the Attr interface with support for namespaces.
 class AbstractCharacterData
          This class implements the CharacterData interface.
 class AbstractChildNode
          This class implements the Node interface with support for parent and siblings.
 class AbstractComment
          This class implements the Comment interface.
 class AbstractDocument
          This class implements the Document interface.
 class AbstractDocumentFragment
          This class implements DocumentFragment interface.
 class AbstractElement
          This class implements the Element interface.
 class AbstractElementNS
          This class implements the Element interface.
 class AbstractEntity
          This class implements the Entity interface.
 class AbstractEntityReference
          This class implements the EntityReference interface.
 class AbstractNode
          This class implements the Node interface.
 class AbstractNotation
          This class implements the Notation interface.
 class AbstractParentChildNode
          This class implements the Node interface with support for children, parent and siblings.
 class AbstractParentNode
          This class implements the Node interface with support for children.
 class AbstractProcessingInstruction
          This class implements the ProcessingInstruction interface.
 class AbstractStylableDocument
          A Document that supports CSS styling.
 class AbstractText
          This class implements the Text interface.
 class GenericAttr
          This class implements the Attr interface.
 class GenericAttrNS
          This class implements the Attr interface with support for namespaces.
 class GenericCDATASection
          This class implements the CDATASection interface.
 class GenericComment
          This class implements the Comment interface.
 class GenericDocument
          This class implements the Document, DocumentEvent.
 class GenericDocumentFragment
          This class implements DocumentFragment interface.
 class GenericDocumentType
          This class implements the DocumentType interface.
 class GenericElement
          This class implements the Element interface.
 class GenericElementNS
          This class implements the Element interface.
 class GenericEntity
          This class implements the Entity interface.
 class GenericEntityReference
          This class implements the EntityReference interface.
 class GenericNotation
          This class implements the Notation interface.
 class GenericProcessingInstruction
          This class implements the ProcessingInstruction interface.
 class GenericText
          This class provides a generic implementation of the Text interface.
 class StyleSheetProcessingInstruction
          This class provides an implementation of the 'xml-stylesheet' processing instructions.

Uses of EventTarget in

Subinterfaces of EventTarget in
 interface NodeEventTarget
          A Node that uses an EventSupport for its event registration and dispatch.

Fields in declared as EventTarget
protected  EventTarget AbstractEvent.currentTarget
          The EventTarget whose EventListeners are currently being processed.
protected  EventTarget
          The target of this event.

Methods in that return EventTarget
 EventTarget AbstractEvent.getCurrentTarget()
          DOM: The target property indicates the EventTarget whose EventListeners are currently being processed.
 EventTarget DOMMouseEvent.getRelatedTarget()
          DOM: Used to identify a secondary EventTarget related to a UI event.
 EventTarget AbstractEvent.getTarget()
          DOM: The target property indicates the EventTarget to which the event was originally dispatched.

Methods in with parameters of type EventTarget
 void DOMMouseEvent.initMouseEvent(String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, int detailArg, int screenXArg, int screenYArg, int clientXArg, int clientYArg, boolean ctrlKeyArg, boolean altKeyArg, boolean shiftKeyArg, boolean metaKeyArg, short buttonArg, EventTarget relatedTargetArg)
          DOM: The initMouseEvent method is used to initialize the value of a MouseEvent created through the DocumentEvent interface.
 void DOMMouseEvent.initMouseEventNS(String namespaceURIArg, String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, int detailArg, int screenXArg, int screenYArg, int clientXArg, int clientYArg, short buttonArg, EventTarget relatedTargetArg, String modifiersList)
          DOM: Initializes this event object.

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.dom.svg

Classes in org.apache.batik.dom.svg that implement EventTarget
 class SVGOMUseShadowRoot
          This class implements DocumentFragment interface.

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.dom.svg12

Methods in org.apache.batik.dom.svg12 with parameters of type EventTarget
 void SVGGlobal.startMouseCapture(EventTarget target, boolean sendAll, boolean autoRelease)
          Starts mouse capture.

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.extension

Classes in org.apache.batik.extension that implement EventTarget
 class ExtensionElement
          This class implements the basic features an element must have in order to be usable as a foreign element within an SVGOMDocument.
 class GraphicsExtensionElement
          An abstract base class for graphical extension elements.
 class PrefixableStylableExtensionElement
          This class implements a simple method for handling the node 'prefix'.
 class StylableExtensionElement
          This class implements the basic features an element must have in order to be usable as a foreign element within an SVGOMDocument, and the support for both the 'style' attribute and the style attributes (ie: fill="red", ...).

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.extension.svg

Classes in org.apache.batik.extension.svg that implement EventTarget
 class BatikHistogramNormalizationElement
          This class implements a histogram normalization extension to SVG.
 class BatikRegularPolygonElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class BatikStarElement
          This class implements a star shape extension to sVG
 class ColorSwitchElement
          This class implements a "color switch" extension to SVG.
 class FlowDivElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class FlowLineElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class FlowParaElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class FlowRegionBreakElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class FlowRegionElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class FlowSpanElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG
 class FlowTextElement
          This class implements a regular polygon extension to SVG

Uses of EventTarget in org.apache.batik.swing

Fields in org.apache.batik.swing declared as EventTarget
protected  EventTarget JSVGCanvas.lastTarget
protected  EventTarget JSVGCanvas.lastToolTipEventTarget
          The target for which the last tool tip event was fired.

Methods in org.apache.batik.swing with parameters of type EventTarget
 boolean JSVGCanvas.matchLastToolTipEvent(long t, EventTarget et)
          Checks if the specified event time and element are the same as the last tool tip event.
 void JSVGCanvas.setLastToolTipEvent(long t, EventTarget et)
          Sets the time and element of the last tool tip event handled.

Uses of EventTarget in

Methods in that return EventTarget
 EventTarget Event.getCurrentTarget()
          Used to indicate the EventTarget whose EventListeners are currently being processed.
 EventTarget MouseEvent.getRelatedTarget()
          Used to identify a secondary EventTarget related to a UI event, depending on the type of event.
 EventTarget Event.getTarget()
          Used to indicate the event target.

Methods in with parameters of type EventTarget
 void MouseEvent.initMouseEvent(String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, int detailArg, int screenXArg, int screenYArg, int clientXArg, int clientYArg, boolean ctrlKeyArg, boolean altKeyArg, boolean shiftKeyArg, boolean metaKeyArg, short buttonArg, EventTarget relatedTargetArg)
          The initMouseEvent method is used to initialize the value of a MouseEvent object and has the same behavior as UIEvent.initUIEvent().
 void MouseEvent.initMouseEventNS(String namespaceURI, String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, int detailArg, int screenXArg, int screenYArg, int clientXArg, int clientYArg, short buttonArg, EventTarget relatedTargetArg, String modifiersList)
          The initMouseEventNS method is used to initialize the value of a MouseEvent object and has the same behavior as UIEvent.initUIEventNS().

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