:: com :: sun :: star :: util ::

interface XCloseListener
Base Interfaces
┗ ::com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener

(referenced interface's summary:)
base interface for all event listeners interfaces.
makes it possible to receive events when an object is called for closing

Such close events are broadcasted by a XCloseBroadcaster if somewhere tries to close it by calling XCloseable::close(). Listener can:

  • break that by throwing CloseVetoException
  • or accept that by deregister himself at this broadcaster.

If an event XEventListener::disposing occured, nobody called XCloseable::close on listened object before. Then it's not allowed to break this request - it must be accepted!

See also
XCloseable, XCloseBroadcaster
Developers Guide
OfficeDev - Closing Documents

Methods' Summary
queryClosing is called when somewhere tries to close listened object  
notifyClosing is called when the listened object is closed realy  
Methods' Details
queryClosing( [in] ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject  Source,
[in] boolean  GetsOwnership )
raises( CloseVetoException );

is called when somewhere tries to close listened object

Is called before XCloseListener::notifyClosing(). Listener has the chance to break that by throwing a CloseVetoException. This exception must be passed to the original caller of XCloseable::close() without any interaction.

The parameter GetsOwnership regulate who has to try to close the listened object again, if this listener disagree with the request by throwing the exception. If it's set to false the original caller of XCloseable::close() will be the owner in every case. It's not allowed to call close() from this listener then. If it's set to true this listener will be the new owner if he throw the exception, otherwise not! If his still running processes will be finished he must call close() on listened object again then.

If this listener doesn't disagree with th close request it depends from his internal implementation if he deregister himself at the listened object. But normaly this must be done in XCloseListener::notifyClosing().

Parameter Source
describes the source of the event (must be the listened object)
Parameter GetsOwnership
true pass the ownership to this listener, if he throw the veto exception (otherwise this parameter must be ignored!)
false forbids to grab the ownership for the listened close object and call close() on that any time.
CloseVetoException if listener disagree with the close request on listened object he must throw this exception
notifyClosing( [in] ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject  Source );

is called when the listened object is closed realy

Now the listened object is closed realy. Listener has to accept that; should deregister himself and relaese all references to it. It's not allowed nor possible to disagree with that by throwing any exception.

If the event ::com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener::disposing() occured before it must be accepted too. There exist no chance for a disagreement any more.

Parameter Source
describes the source of the event (must be the listened object)
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