:: com :: sun :: star ::

module lang
General UNO concepts like factories etc.

MultiServiceFactory Provides a collection of implementations of services.
RegistryServiceManager Provides a collection of implementations for services reading from a persistent registry storage. For usage of the service manager have a look at service description of ServiceManager.
ServiceManager Provides a collection of implementations for services. This is a singleton you commonly find in your component context under key /singletons/com.sun.star.lang.theServiceManager.
XComponent allows to exclicitly free resources and break cyclic references.
XConnectionPoint supports connection points for connectable objects.
XConnectionPointContainer makes it possible to locate a specific connection point for a specified UIK and manages a sequence of connections points.
XEventListener base interface for all event listeners interfaces.
XInitialization initializes an object directly after its creation.
XLocalizable makes it possible to set a Locale to be used by the object.
XMain Executing interface for executable components run by the uno executable loader. This is an application to run components passing the command line arguments.
XMultiComponentFactory Factory interface for creating component instances giving a context from which to retrieve deployment values.
XMultiServiceFactory Factories support this interface creating instances giving a name, e.g. a service name.
XServiceDisplayName provides a name for the service to be used in displays.
XServiceInfo Provides information regarding the implementation, i.e. which services are implemented and the name of the implementation.
XServiceName identifies the object with a service name which can be used to create such an object by a factory.
XSingleComponentFactory Factory interface to create instances of an implementation of a service specification.
XSingleServiceFactory [ DEPRECATED ]
Factory interface to produce instances of an implementation of a service specification. This interface is deprecated. Please use XSingleComponentFactory.
XTypeProvider interface to get information about the types (usually interface types) supported by an object.
XUnoTunnel An interface to tunnel UNO. This means providing access to data or something else, which is not specified by UNO-IDL. @attention Restrictive useage. Use only, if there is no better possibility left. It is definitely a hack.
EventObject specifies the base for all event objects and identifies the source of the event.
Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException This exception is thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index.
ClassNotFoundException This exception is thrown when an application tries to load the information on the type through its string name.
DisposedException This exception occurs if the object behind this interface has been disposed before and can't uphold its method specification anymore.
IllegalAccessException This exception is thrown when an application tries to change a constant property.
IllegalArgumentException This exception is thrown to indicate that a method has passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
IndexOutOfBoundsException This exception is thrown to indicate that a container has been accessed with an illegal index.
InvalidListenerException is thrown by the XConnectionPoint::advice method to indicate that the listener has not supplied the necessary interface.
ListenerExistException is thrown by the XConnectionPoint::advise method to indicate that there is only one listener allowed.
NoSuchFieldException signals that the class does not have a field of a specified name.
NoSuchMethodException signals that the interface does not have a method of a specified name.
NoSupportException This exception is thrown when a feature of an interface is not supported.
NotInitializedException is thrown when a component is attempted to be used before it was completely constructed.
NullPointerException This exception is thrown when an application attempts to use NULL in a case where an object is required.
ServiceNotRegisteredException This exception is thrown when a needed service is not found.
WrappedTargetException This is a checked exception that wraps an exception thrown by the original target.
WrappedTargetRuntimeException This is a runtime exception that wraps any other exception thrown by the original target.
Constant Groups
SystemDependent [ DEPRECATED ]
These constants are used to specify systems which depend on return values.
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