Uses of Class

Packages that use Privilege
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr Contains JCR specific implementations.   

Uses of Privilege in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr declared as Privilege
static Privilege ItemResourceConstants.PRIVILEGE_JCR_ADD_NODE
          Privilege representing the JSR170 'add_node' action.
static Privilege ItemResourceConstants.PRIVILEGE_JCR_READ
          Privilege representing the JSR170 'read' action.
static Privilege ItemResourceConstants.PRIVILEGE_JCR_REMOVE
          Privilege representing the JSR170 'remove' action.
static Privilege ItemResourceConstants.PRIVILEGE_JCR_SET_PROPERTY
          Privilege representing the JSR170 'set_property' action.

Uses of Privilege in

Fields in declared as Privilege
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_ALL
          DAV:all is an aggregate privilege that contains the entire set of privileges that can be applied to the resource.
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_BIND
          The DAV:bind privilege allows a method to add a new member URL to the specified collection (for example via PUT or MKCOL).
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_READ
          The read privilege controls methods that return information about the state of the resource, including the resource's properties.
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_READ_ACL
          The DAV:read-acl privilege controls the use of PROPFIND to retrieve the DAV:acl property of the resource.
          The DAV:read-current-user-privilege-set privilege controls the use of PROPFIND to retrieve the DAV:current-user-privilege-set property of the resource.
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_UNBIND
          The DAV:unbind privilege allows a method to remove a member URL from the specified collection (for example via DELETE or MOVE).
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_UNLOCK
          The DAV:unlock privilege controls the use of the UNLOCK method by a principal other than the lock owner (the principal that created a lock can always perform an UNLOCK).
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_WRITE
          The write privilege controls methods that lock a resource or modify the content, dead properties, or (in the case of a collection) membership of the resource, such as PUT and PROPPATCH.
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_WRITE_ACL
          The DAV:write-acl privilege controls use of the ACL method to modify the DAV:acl property of the resource.
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_WRITE_CONTENT
          The DAV:write-content privilege controls methods that modify the content of an existing resource, such as PUT.
static Privilege Privilege.PRIVILEGE_WRITE_PROPERTIES
          The DAV:write-properties privilege controls methods that modify the dead properties of the resource, such as PROPPATCH.

Methods in that return Privilege
static Privilege Privilege.getPrivilege(Element privilege)
          Factory method to create/retrieve a Privilege from the given DAV:privilege element.
static Privilege Privilege.getPrivilege(String privilege, Namespace namespace)
          Factory method to create/retrieve a Privilege.
 Privilege[] AclProperty.Ace.getPrivileges()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Privilege
 Collection<Privilege> CurrentUserPrivilegeSetProperty.getValue()

Methods in with parameters of type Privilege
static AclProperty.Ace AclProperty.createDenyAce(Principal principal, Privilege[] privileges, boolean invert, boolean isProtected, AclResource inheritedFrom)
static AclProperty.Ace AclProperty.createGrantAce(Principal principal, Privilege[] privileges, boolean invert, boolean isProtected, AclResource inheritedFrom)

Constructors in with parameters of type Privilege
CurrentUserPrivilegeSetProperty(Privilege[] privileges)
          Create a new instance of this property.
SupportedPrivilege(Privilege privilege, String description, String descriptionLanguage, boolean isAbstract, SupportedPrivilege[] supportedPrivileges)

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