Interface AclResource

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AclResource
extends DavResource


Field Summary
static String METHODS
          The AclResource must support the ACL method and the REPORT method in order to retrieve various security related reports.
Method Summary
 void alterAcl(AclProperty aclProperty)
          Modify the DAV:acl property of this resource object.
 Report getReport(ReportInfo reportInfo)
          Same as DeltaVResource.getReport(ReportInfo).
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
addLockManager, addMember, alterProperties, copy, exists, getCollection, getComplianceClass, getDisplayName, getFactory, getHref, getLocator, getLock, getLocks, getMembers, getModificationTime, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getResourcePath, getSession, getSupportedMethods, hasLock, isCollection, isLockable, lock, move, refreshLock, removeMember, removeProperty, setProperty, spool, unlock

Field Detail


static final String METHODS
The AclResource must support the ACL method and the REPORT method in order to retrieve various security related reports.

See Also:
DeltaVResource.METHODS, DavResource.METHODS, Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void alterAcl(AclProperty aclProperty)
              throws DavException
Modify the DAV:acl property of this resource object.
Note: RFC 3744 limits modification of access control elements (ACEs) to elements that are neither inherited nor protected.

aclProperty - DAV:acl property listing the set of ACEs to be modified by this call. This may be a subset of all access control elements present on this resource object only.
DavException - If the request fails. RFC 3744 defines a set of preconditions which must be met for a successful ACL request. If these conditions are violated, this method must fail with 403 (Forbidden) or 409 (Conflict) and should provide a detailled error condition in the response body. See RFC 3744 Section 8.1.1 (ACL Preconditions) for further details.


Report getReport(ReportInfo reportInfo)
                 throws DavException
Same as DeltaVResource.getReport(ReportInfo).

reportInfo - specifying the report details retrieved from the REPORT request.
the requested report.
DavException - in case an error occured or if the specified ReportInfo is either not valid or cannot be run by this resource.

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