Class ServerObservationManager

  extended by java.rmi.server.RemoteObject
      extended by java.rmi.server.RemoteServer
          extended by java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
              extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server.ServerObject
                  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server.ServerObservationManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Remote, RemoteObservationManager

public class ServerObservationManager
extends ServerObject
implements RemoteObservationManager

Remote adapter for the JCR ObservationManager interface. This class makes a local item available as an RMI service using the RemoteObservationManager interface.

This class works in conjunction with the ClientObservationManager class to implement the distributed the event listener registration described in ObservationManager, RemoteObservationManager, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.rmi.server.RemoteObject
Constructor Summary
ServerObservationManager(ObservationManager observationManager, RemoteAdapterFactory factory)
          Creates a remote adapter for the given local workspace.
Method Summary
 void addEventListener(long listenerId, int eventTypes, String absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuid, String[] nodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)
          Remote version of the ObservationManager.addEventListener() method.
 RemoteEventCollection getNextEvent(long timeout)
          Returns the next event to be dispatched to registered event listeners.
 void removeEventListener(long listenerId)
          Remote version of the ObservationManager.removeEventListener() method.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server.ServerObject
getFactory, getRemoteItem, getRemoteNode, getRemoteNodeTypeArray, getRepositoryException, getSerialValue, getSerialValues
Methods inherited from class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
clone, exportObject, exportObject, exportObject, unexportObject
Methods inherited from class java.rmi.server.RemoteServer
getClientHost, getLog, setLog
Methods inherited from class java.rmi.server.RemoteObject
equals, getRef, hashCode, toString, toStub
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServerObservationManager(ObservationManager observationManager,
                                RemoteAdapterFactory factory)
                         throws RemoteException
Creates a remote adapter for the given local workspace.

observationManager - local observation manager
factory - remote adapter factory
RemoteException - on RMI errors
Method Detail


public void addEventListener(long listenerId,
                             int eventTypes,
                             String absPath,
                             boolean isDeep,
                             String[] uuid,
                             String[] nodeTypeName,
                             boolean noLocal)
                      throws RepositoryException,
Remote version of the ObservationManager.addEventListener() method. See class comment for an explanation on how the listenerId is used.

Specified by:
addEventListener in interface RemoteObservationManager
listenerId - The identification of the listener on the client side to which events will be directed.
eventTypes - The mask of event types to be sent to this listener.
absPath - The root item defining a subtree for which events are to be delivered.
isDeep - true if the events from the complete subtree rooted at absPath are to be sent or only for the item at the given path.
uuid - An optional list of node UUIDs for which events are to be sent. If null this parameter is ignored.
nodeTypeName - An optional list of node type names for which events are to be sent. If null this parameter is ignored.
noLocal - true if only events are to be sent which do not originate from the session to which this instance belongs.
RepositoryException - on repository errors
RemoteException - on RMI errors


public void removeEventListener(long listenerId)
                         throws RepositoryException,
Remote version of the ObservationManager.removeEventListener() method. See class comment for an explanation on how the listenerId is used.

Specified by:
removeEventListener in interface RemoteObservationManager
listenerId - The identification of the listener on the client side to which events will be directed.
RepositoryException - on repository errors
RemoteException - on RMI errors


public RemoteEventCollection getNextEvent(long timeout)
                                   throws RemoteException
Returns the next event to be dispatched to registered event listeners. If no event is available, this method blocks until one is available or until the given timeout expires.

Specified by:
getNextEvent in interface RemoteObservationManager
timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the next event available to be dispatched. If negative or zero, this method waits for ever.
The RemoteEventCollection to be dispatched. null is returned if the method timed out waiting for an event to be dispatched.
RemoteException - on RMI errors

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