Interface RemoteEventCollection

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public interface RemoteEventCollection
extends Remote

The RemoteEventCollection class serves as a container for notifications sent to registered event listeners. Instances of this class are created by the server-side event listener proxies and sent to the client-side event poller. On the client-side the enclosed list of events is then sent to the listener identified by the contained listener identifier.

Nested Class Summary
static interface RemoteEventCollection.RemoteEvent
          The RemoteEvent class provides an encapsulation of single events in an event list sent to a registered listener.
Method Summary
 RemoteEventCollection.RemoteEvent[] getEvents()
          Returns the list of events to be sent to the client-side listener identified by getListenerId().
 long getListenerId()
          Returns unique identifier of the client-side listener to which the enclosed events should be sent.

Method Detail


long getListenerId()
                   throws RemoteException
Returns unique identifier of the client-side listener to which the enclosed events should be sent.

unique listener identifier
RemoteException - on RMI errors


RemoteEventCollection.RemoteEvent[] getEvents()
                                              throws RemoteException
Returns the list of events to be sent to the client-side listener identified by getListenerId().

list of events
RemoteException - on RMI errors

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