Class ServerEventListenerProxy

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.observation.ServerEventListenerProxy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServerEventListenerProxy
extends Object
implements EventListener

The ServerEventListenerProxy class is the server-side event listener proxy registered on behalf of a client-side event listener identified with the unique identifier.

The term Server in this class indicates, that this is a server-side class. In contrast to the classes in the org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server package, this class neither extends the ServerObject class nor does it implement any of the remote interfaces in the org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.remote package because it only is instantiated to be used on the server side.

See the package overview for an explanation of the mechanisms implemented for event dispatching.

Constructor Summary
ServerEventListenerProxy(RemoteAdapterFactory factory, long listenerId, Queue queue)
          Creates a new instance of this listener proxy.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Returns true if obj is either the same as this or a proxy for the same client-side listener, which is identicated by the same listener identifier.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the client-side listener identifier as its hash code.
 void onEvent(EventIterator events)
          Converts the Event instances in the given iterator to an instance of RemoteEventCollection for them to be dispatched to the client-side event listener.
 String toString()
          Returns the a string representation of this instance, which is an indication of this class's name and the unique identifier of the real event listener.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServerEventListenerProxy(RemoteAdapterFactory factory,
                                long listenerId,
                                Queue queue)
Creates a new instance of this listener proxy.

factory - The RemoteAdapterFactory used to convert the EventIterator instances to RemoteEventCollection objects.
listenerId - The unique identifier of the client-side event listener on whose behalf this proxy works.
queue - The sink to which events to be dispatched to the client are queued to be picked up.
Method Detail


public void onEvent(EventIterator events)
Converts the Event instances in the given iterator to an instance of RemoteEventCollection for them to be dispatched to the client-side event listener.

Specified by:
onEvent in interface EventListener
events - The Events to be dispatched.


public int hashCode()
Returns the client-side listener identifier as its hash code.

hashCode in class Object
hash code


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Returns true if obj is either the same as this or a proxy for the same client-side listener, which is identicated by the same listener identifier.

equals in class Object
obj - The object to compare to.
true if obj is the same or a proxy for the same client-side listener.


public String toString()
Returns the a string representation of this instance, which is an indication of this class's name and the unique identifier of the real event listener.

toString in class Object
string representation

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