Uses of Class

Packages that use PropInfo   

Uses of PropInfo in

Methods in with parameters of type PropInfo
 boolean UserImporter.handlePropInfo(NodeImpl parent, PropInfo protectedPropInfo, QPropertyDefinition def)
 boolean UserImporter.handlePropInfo(NodeState parent, PropInfo protectedPropInfo, QPropertyDefinition def)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type PropInfo
 void UserImporter.startChildInfo(NodeInfo childInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos)

Uses of PropInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type PropInfo
protected  void SessionImporter.createProperty(NodeImpl node, PropInfo pInfo, QPropertyDefinition def)
 boolean ProtectedPropertyImporter.handlePropInfo(NodeImpl parent, PropInfo protectedPropInfo, QPropertyDefinition def)
          Handles a single protected property.
 boolean DefaultProtectedItemImporter.handlePropInfo(NodeImpl parent, PropInfo protectedPropInfo, QPropertyDefinition def)
          Always returns false.
 boolean ProtectedPropertyImporter.handlePropInfo(NodeState parent, PropInfo protectedPropInfo, QPropertyDefinition def)
          Handles a single protected property.
 boolean DefaultProtectedItemImporter.handlePropInfo(NodeState parent, PropInfo protectedPropInfo, QPropertyDefinition def)
          Always returns false.
protected  void WorkspaceImporter.processProperty(NodeState node, PropInfo pInfo)

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with type arguments of type PropInfo
 void ProtectedNodeImporter.startChildInfo(NodeInfo childInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos)
          Informs this importer about a new childInfo and it's properties.
 void DefaultProtectedItemImporter.startChildInfo(NodeInfo childInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos)
          Does nothing.
 void AccessControlImporter.startChildInfo(NodeInfo childInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos)
 void WorkspaceImporter.startNode(NodeInfo nodeInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos)
          Called to start the import of a node.
 void SessionImporter.startNode(NodeInfo nodeInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos)
          Called to start the import of a node.
 void Importer.startNode(NodeInfo nodeInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos)
          Called to start the import of a node.

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