Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeStateEx
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of NodeStateEx in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return NodeStateEx
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.addNode(Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId id)
          Adds a new child node with the given name
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.addNode(Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId id, boolean referenceable)
          Adds a new child node with the given name
protected  NodeStateEx InternalXAVersionManager.getActivitiesRoot()
          returns the id of the activities root node
protected  NodeStateEx InternalVersionManagerImpl.getActivitiesRoot()
          returns the activities root node
 NodeStateEx[] NodeStateEx.getChildNodes()
          returns all child nodes
protected  NodeStateEx InternalXAVersionManager.getHistoryRoot()
          returns the id of the version history root node
protected  NodeStateEx InternalVersionManagerImpl.getHistoryRoot()
          returns the version history root node
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.getNode(Name name, int index)
          retrieves the child node with the given name and 1-base index or null if the node does not exist.
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.getNode(NodeId id)
          Returns the node with the given id.
protected  NodeStateEx VersionManagerImplBase.getNodeStateEx(NodeId nodeId)
          returns the node state for the given node id
protected  NodeStateEx InternalXAVersionManager.getNodeStateEx(NodeId parentNodeId)
          Returns the node with the given persistent id.
protected  NodeStateEx InternalVersionManagerImpl.getNodeStateEx(NodeId parentNodeId)
          Returns the node with the given persistent id.
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.getParent()
          Returns the parent node of this node
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.moveFrom(NodeStateEx src, Name name, boolean createShare)
          Moves the source node to this node using the given name.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type NodeStateEx
 NodeId InternalXAVersionManager.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
 NodeId InternalVersionManagerImpl.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
 NodeId InternalVersionManager.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
 InternalVersion InternalXAVersionManager.checkin(Session session, NodeStateEx node, Calendar created)
          invokes the checkin() on the persistent version manager and remaps the newly created version objects.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManagerImpl.checkin(Session session, NodeStateEx node, Calendar created)
          invokes the checkin() on the persistent version manager and remaps the newly created version objects.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManager.checkin(Session session, NodeStateEx node, Calendar created)
          invokes the checkin() on the persistent version manager and remaps the newly created version objects.
protected  void VersionManagerImplBase.checkModify(NodeStateEx state, int options, int permissions)
          Checks modify and permissions
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplBase.checkoutCheckin(NodeStateEx state, boolean checkin, boolean checkout, Calendar created)
          Performs a checkin or checkout operation. if checkin is true the node is checked in. if checkout is true the node is checked out. if both flags are true the checkin is performed prior to the checkout and the operation is equivalent to a checkpoint operation.
protected  boolean VersionManagerImplBase.checkVersionable(NodeStateEx state)
          Checks if the underlying node is versionable, i.e. has 'mix:versionable' or a 'mix:simpleVersionable'.
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplConfig.createConfiguration(NodeStateEx state)
          Creates a new configuration node.
protected  void VersionManagerImplMerge.finishMerge(NodeStateEx state, Version version, boolean cancel)
          Perform Node.cancelMerge(Version) or Node.doneMerge(Version) depending on the value of cancel.
protected  InternalVersion VersionManagerImplBase.getBaseVersion(NodeStateEx state)
          Returns the internal base version for the underlying node.
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplBase.getBaseVersionId(NodeStateEx state)
          Returns the node id of the base version, retrieved from the node state
protected  InternalVersionHistory VersionManagerImplBase.getVersionHistory(NodeStateEx state)
          Returns the internal version history for the underlying node.
protected  InternalVersion InternalXAVersionManager.internalCheckin(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionHistoryImpl history, NodeStateEx node, boolean simple, Calendar created)
          Checks in a node
protected  Set<InternalVersion> VersionManagerImplRestore.internalRestore(NodeStateEx state, InternalVersion version, VersionSelector vsel, boolean removeExisting)
          Internal method to restore a version.
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.internalRestoreFrozen(NodeStateEx state, InternalFrozenNode freeze, VersionSelector vsel, Set<InternalVersion> restored, boolean removeExisting, boolean copy)
          Restores the properties and child nodes from the frozen state.
protected  boolean VersionManagerImplBase.isCheckedOut(NodeStateEx state)
          Determines the checked-out status of the given node state.
protected  void VersionManagerImplMerge.merge(NodeStateEx state, NodeStateEx srcRoot, List<ItemId> failedIds, boolean bestEffort, boolean shallow)
          Merges/Updates this node with its corresponding ones
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.moveFrom(NodeStateEx src, Name name, boolean createShare)
          Moves the source node to this node using the given name.
 boolean NodeStateEx.removeNode(NodeStateEx node)
          removes the given child node
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.restore(NodeStateEx state, InternalVersion v, boolean removeExisting)
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.restore(NodeStateEx state, Name versionName, boolean removeExisting)
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplConfig.restore(NodeStateEx parent, Name name, InternalBaseline baseline)
          Restores the versions recorded in the given baseline below the specified path.
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.restore(NodeStateEx parent, Name name, InternalVersion v, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the version below the parent node using the indicated name
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.restoreByLabel(NodeStateEx state, Name versionLabel, boolean removeExisting)
protected  String VersionManagerImplBase.safeGetJCRPath(NodeStateEx state)
          Returns the JCR path for the given node state without throwing an exception.

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