Uses of Class

Packages that use EffectiveNodeType
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of EffectiveNodeType in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return EffectiveNodeType
 EffectiveNodeType NodeImpl.getEffectiveNodeType()
          Returns the effective (i.e. merged and resolved) node type representation of this node's primary and mixin node types.
 EffectiveNodeType ItemValidator.getEffectiveNodeType(NodeState state)
          Helper method that builds the effective (i.e. merged and resolved) node type representation of the specified node's primary and mixin node types.

Uses of EffectiveNodeType in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype that return EffectiveNodeType
 EffectiveNodeType EffectiveNodeTypeCacheImpl.get(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Returns the effective node type for the given key or null if the desired node type is not cached.
 EffectiveNodeType EffectiveNodeTypeCache.get(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Returns the effective node type for the given key or null if the desired node type is not cached.
 EffectiveNodeType BitSetENTCacheImpl.get(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Returns the effective node type for the given key or null if the desired node type is not cached.
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.getEffectiveNodeType(Name ntName)
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.getEffectiveNodeType(Name primary, Set<Name> mixins)
          Returns the effective node type of a node with the given primary and mixin types.
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.getEffectiveNodeType(Set<Name> mixins)
          Returns the effective node type representation of the given node types.
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.registerNodeType(QNodeTypeDefinition ntd)
          Validates the NodeTypeDef and returns an EffectiveNodeType object representing the newly registered node type.
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.reregisterNodeType(QNodeTypeDefinition ntd)
          Reregister a node type.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype with parameters of type EffectiveNodeType
 void EffectiveNodeTypeCacheImpl.put(EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache.
 void EffectiveNodeTypeCache.put(EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache.
 void BitSetENTCacheImpl.put(EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache.
 void EffectiveNodeTypeCacheImpl.put(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key, EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache for the given key.
 void EffectiveNodeTypeCache.put(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key, EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache for the given key.
 void BitSetENTCacheImpl.put(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key, EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache for the given key.

Uses of EffectiveNodeType in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return EffectiveNodeType
 EffectiveNodeType NodeStateEx.getEffectiveNodeType()
          Returns the effective (i.e. merged and resolved) node type representation of this node's primary and mixin node types.

Uses of EffectiveNodeType in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual that return EffectiveNodeType
protected  EffectiveNodeType AbstractVISProvider.getEffectiveNodeType(NodeState parent)
          Returns the effective (i.e. merged and resolved) node type representation of this node's primary and mixin node types.

Uses of EffectiveNodeType in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type EffectiveNodeType
 QPropertyDefinition PropInfo.getApplicablePropertyDef(EffectiveNodeType ent)

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