Class BitSetENTCacheImpl

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.BitSetENTCacheImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, EffectiveNodeTypeCache

public class BitSetENTCacheImpl
extends Object
implements EffectiveNodeTypeCache

Implements an effective node type cache that uses a bit set for storing the information about participating node types in a set.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.EffectiveNodeTypeCache
Method Summary
 Object clone()
 boolean contains(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Checks if the effective node type for the given key exists.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key findBest(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Searches the best key k for which the given key is a super set, i.e. for which EffectiveNodeTypeCache.contains(Key)} returns true.
 EffectiveNodeType get(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Returns the effective node type for the given key or null if the desired node type is not cached.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key getKey(Name[] ntNames)
          Returns a key for an effective node type that consists of the given node type names.
 void invalidate(Name name)
          Removes all effective node types that are aggregated with the node type of the given name.
 void put(EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache.
 void put(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key, EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache for the given key.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key getKey(Name[] ntNames)
Returns a key for an effective node type that consists of the given node type names.

Specified by:
getKey in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
ntNames - the array of node type names for the effective node type
the key to an effective node type.


public void put(EffectiveNodeType ent)
Puts an effective node type to the cache. The key is internally generated from the set of merged node types.

Specified by:
put in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
ent - the effective node type to put to the cache


public void put(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key,
                EffectiveNodeType ent)
Puts an effective node type to the cache for the given key.

Specified by:
put in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
key - the key for the effective node type
ent - the effective node type to put to the cache


public EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key findBest(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
Searches the best key k for which the given key is a super set, i.e. for which EffectiveNodeTypeCache.contains(Key)} returns true. If an already cached effective node type matches the key it is returned.

Specified by:
findBest in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
key - the key for which the subkey is to be searched
the best key or null if no key could be found.


public void invalidate(Name name)
Removes all effective node types that are aggregated with the node type of the given name.

Specified by:
invalidate in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
name - the name of the node type.


public boolean contains(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
Checks if the effective node type for the given key exists.

Specified by:
contains in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
key - the key to check
true if the effective node type is cached; false otherwise.


public EffectiveNodeType get(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
Returns the effective node type for the given key or null if the desired node type is not cached.

Specified by:
get in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
key - the key for the effective node type.
the effective node type or null


public Object clone()

Specified by:
clone in interface EffectiveNodeTypeCache
clone in class Object


public String toString()

toString in class Object

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