Uses of Class

Packages that use SessionImpl

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Subclasses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core
 class XASessionImpl
          Session extension that provides XA support.

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as SessionImpl
protected  SessionImpl BatchedItemOperations.session
          current session used for checking access rights and locking status
protected  SessionImpl ItemImpl.session
          Session through which this Item was acquired
protected  SessionImpl ItemManager.session
protected  SessionImpl WorkspaceImpl.session
          the session that was used to acquire this Workspace

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return SessionImpl
protected  SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.createSession(AuthContext loginContext, String workspaceName)
          Creates a new repository session on the specified workspace for the authenticated subject of the given login context and adds it to the active sessions.
protected  SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.createSession(Subject subject, String workspaceName)
          Creates a new repository session on the specified workspace for the given authenticated subject and adds it to the active sessions.
protected  SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.createSessionInstance(AuthContext loginContext, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Creates an instance of the SessionImpl class representing a user authenticated by the loginContext instance attached to the workspace configured by the wspConfig.
protected  SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.createSessionInstance(Subject subject, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Creates an instance of the SessionImpl class representing a user represented by the subject instance attached to the workspace configured by the wspConfig.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type SessionImpl
 PreparedQuery SearchManager.createPreparedQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, String statement, String language)
          Creates a prepared query object that can be executed on the workspace.
 Query SearchManager.createQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, Node node)
          Creates a query object from a node that can be executed on the workspace.
 Query SearchManager.createQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, String statement, String language)
          Creates a query object that can be executed on the workspace.
 QueryObjectModel SearchManager.createQueryObjectModel(SessionImpl session, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree, String langugage)
          Creates a query object model that can be executed on the workspace.
protected  WorkspaceImpl XASessionImpl.createWorkspaceInstance(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Creates the workspace instance backing this session.
protected  WorkspaceImpl SessionImpl.createWorkspaceInstance(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Creates the workspace instance backing this session.
 void TransientRepository.loggedOut(SessionImpl session)
          Removes the given session from the set of open sessions.
 void SessionListener.loggedOut(SessionImpl session)
          Called when a Session has been 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
 void RepositoryImpl.loggedOut(SessionImpl session)
          Called when a Session has been 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
 void TransientRepository.loggingOut(SessionImpl session)
 void SessionListener.loggingOut(SessionImpl session)
          Called when a Session is about to be 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
 void RepositoryImpl.loggingOut(SessionImpl session)
          Called when a Session is about to be 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
protected  void RepositoryImpl.onSessionCreated(SessionImpl session)
          Adds the given session to the list of active sessions and registers this repository as listener.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type SessionImpl
BatchedItemOperations(UpdatableItemStateManager stateMgr, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, LockManager lockMgr, SessionImpl session, HierarchyManager hierMgr)
          Creates a new BatchedItemOperations instance.
ItemManager(SessionItemStateManager itemStateProvider, HierarchyManager hierMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeDefinition rootNodeDef, NodeId rootNodeId)
          Creates a new per-session instance ItemManager instance.
NodeImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Protected constructor.
WorkspaceImpl(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Protected constructor.
XAWorkspace(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Protected constructor.

Uses of SessionImpl in

Constructors in with parameters of type SessionImpl
GarbageCollector(SessionImpl session, IterablePersistenceManager[] list, Session[] sessionList)
          Create a new garbage collector.

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock declared as SessionImpl
protected  SessionImpl AbstractLockInfo.lockHolder
          Session currently holding lock

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock that return SessionImpl
 SessionImpl AbstractLockInfo.getLockHolder()
          Return the session currently holding the lock

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock with parameters of type SessionImpl
 Lock[] XALockManager.getLocks(SessionImpl session)
          Returns all locks owned by the specified session.
 Lock[] LockManagerImpl.getLocks(SessionImpl session)
          Returns all locks owned by the specified session.
 Lock[] LockManager.getLocks(SessionImpl session)
          Returns all locks owned by the specified session.
 void XALockManager.lockTokenAdded(SessionImpl session, String lt)
          Invoked by a session to inform that a lock token has been added.
 void LockManagerImpl.lockTokenAdded(SessionImpl session, String lt)
          Invoked by a session to inform that a lock token has been added.
 void LockManager.lockTokenAdded(SessionImpl session, String lt)
          Invoked by a session to inform that a lock token has been added.
 void XALockManager.lockTokenRemoved(SessionImpl session, String lt)
          Invoked by a session to inform that a lock token has been removed.
 void LockManagerImpl.lockTokenRemoved(SessionImpl session, String lt)
          Invoked by a session to inform that a lock token has been removed.
 void LockManager.lockTokenRemoved(SessionImpl session, String lt)
          Invoked by a session to inform that a lock token has been removed.
 void AbstractLockInfo.setLockHolder(SessionImpl lockHolder)
          Set the session currently holding the lock

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock with parameters of type SessionImpl
LockManagerImpl(SessionImpl session, FileSystem fs)
          Create a new instance of this class.

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual with parameters of type SessionImpl
 void VirtualNodeTypeStateManager.setSession(SessionImpl systemSession)
          Sets the system session.

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type SessionImpl
 EventStateCollection DelegatingObservationDispatcher.createEventStateCollection(SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix)
          Creates an EventStateCollection tied to the session given as argument.
 void DelegatingObservationDispatcher.dispatch(List eventList, SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix)
          Dispatchers a list of events to all registered dispatchers.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type SessionImpl
EventStateCollection(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation.EventDispatcher dispatcher, SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix)
          Creates a new empty EventStateCollection.
ObservationManagerImpl(ObservationDispatcher dispatcher, SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr)
          Creates an ObservationManager instance.

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query declared as SessionImpl
protected  SessionImpl QueryImpl.session
          The session of the user executing this query

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type SessionImpl
 ExecutablePreparedQuery AbstractQueryHandler.createExecutablePreparedQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree)
          Creates a new query by specifying the query object model.

Throws UnsupportedOperationException.

 ExecutablePreparedQuery QueryHandler.createExecutablePreparedQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree)
          Creates a new query by specifying the query object model.
 ExecutableQuery QueryHandler.createExecutableQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, String statement, String language)
          Creates a new query by specifying the query statement itself and the language in which the query is stated.
 void QueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, Node node)
 void PreparedQueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, Node node)
abstract  void AbstractQueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, Node node)
          Initializes a query instance from a nt:query node.
 void QueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree, String language)
 void PreparedQueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree, String language)
abstract  void AbstractQueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree, String language)
          Initializes a query instance from a query object model.
 void QueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, String statement, String language)
 void PreparedQueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, String statement, String language)
abstract  void AbstractQueryImpl.init(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryHandler handler, String statement, String language)
          Initializes a query instance from a query string.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type SessionImpl
QueryManagerImpl(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, SearchManager searchMgr)
          Creates a new QueryManagerImpl for the passed session

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene declared as SessionImpl
protected  SessionImpl AbstractQueryImpl.session
          The session of the user executing this query

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type SessionImpl
 ExecutablePreparedQuery SearchIndex.createExecutablePreparedQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree)
          Creates a new query by specifying the query object model.
 ExecutableQuery SearchIndex.createExecutableQuery(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, String statement, String language)
          Creates a new query by specifying the query statement itself and the language in which the query is stated.
static JQOM2LuceneQueryBuilder.createQuery(QueryObjectModelTree qomTree, SessionImpl session, ItemStateManager sharedItemMgr, NamespaceMappings nsMappings, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer, PropertyTypeRegistry propReg, SynonymProvider synonymProvider, Map bindVariableValues)
          Creates a lucene Query tree from an abstract query tree.
static LuceneQueryBuilder.createQuery(QueryRootNode root, SessionImpl session, ItemStateManager sharedItemMgr, NamespaceMappings nsMappings, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer, PropertyTypeRegistry propReg, SynonymProvider synonymProvider, IndexFormatVersion indexFormatVersion)
          Creates a lucene Query tree from an abstract query tree.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type SessionImpl
AbstractQueryImpl(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, SearchIndex index, PropertyTypeRegistry propReg)
          Creates a new query instance from a query string.
PreparedQueryImpl(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, SearchIndex index, PropertyTypeRegistry propReg, QueryObjectModelTree qomTree)
          Creates a new query instance from a query string.
QueryImpl(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, SearchIndex index, PropertyTypeRegistry propReg, String statement, String language, QueryNodeFactory factory)
          Creates a new query instance from a query string.

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.qom

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.qom with parameters of type SessionImpl
QueryObjectModelFactoryImpl(SessionImpl session, SearchManager searchMgr)

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type SessionImpl
 EventStateCollection VersionManagerImpl.DynamicESCFactory.createEventStateCollection(SessionImpl source)

This object uses one instance of a LocalItemStateManager to update data on behalf of many sessions.

 Object VersionManagerImpl.DynamicESCFactory.doSourced(SessionImpl eventSource, org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.VersionManagerImpl.SourcedTarget runnable)
          Executes the given runnable using the given event source.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type SessionImpl
VersionHistoryImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a new instance of this class.
VersionImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a new instance of this class.
XAVersionManager(VersionManagerImpl vMgr, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, SessionImpl session, ItemStateCacheFactory cacheFactory)
          Creates a new instance of this class.

Uses of SessionImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type SessionImpl
SessionImporter(NodeImpl importTargetNode, SessionImpl session, int uuidBehavior)
          Creates a new SessionImporter instance.

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