Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Interface Summary
InternalFreeze the base interface for nodes that were versioned and turned either into InternalFrozenNode or InteralFrozenVersionHistory.
InternalFrozenNode The InternalFrozenNode interface represents the frozen node that was generated during a Node.checkin().
InternalFrozenVersionHistory This interface defines a frozen versionable child node, that was created during a Node.checkin() with a OPV==Version node.
InternalVersion This interface defines the internal version.
InternalVersionHistory This interface defines the internal version history.
InternalVersionItem This interface defines the base for all internal versioning items.
VersionManager This interface defines the version manager.
VersionSelector This Interface defines the version selector that needs to provide a version, given some hints and a version history.

Class Summary
DateVersionSelector This Class implements a version selector that selects a version by creation date.
LabelVersionSelector This Class implements a version selector that selects a version by label.
NodeStateEx This Class provides some basic node operations directly on the node state.
VersionHistoryImpl Base implementation of the VersionHistory interface.
VersionImpl Base implementation of the Version interface.
VersionItemStateManager Spezialized SharedItemStateManager that filters out NodeReferences to non-versioning states.
VersionManagerImpl This Class implements a VersionManager.
XAVersionManager Implementation of a VersionManager that works in an XA environment.

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