Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemImpl

Uses of ItemImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Subclasses of ItemImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core
 class NodeImpl
          NodeImpl implements the Node interface.
 class PropertyImpl
          PropertyImpl implements the Property interface.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return ItemImpl
 ItemImpl ItemManager.getItem(ItemId id)
 ItemImpl ItemManager.getItem(ItemState state)
          Returns the item instance for the given item state.
 ItemImpl ItemManager.getItem(Path path)
          Deprecated. As of JSR 283, a Path doesn't anymore uniquely identify an Item, therefore ItemManager.getNode(Path) and ItemManager.getProperty(Path) should be used instead.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type ItemImpl
 void ItemLifeCycleListener.itemCreated(ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been created.
 void ItemManager.itemCreated(ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been created.
 void ItemLifeCycleListener.itemDestroyed(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been destroyed (i.e.
 void ItemManager.itemDestroyed(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been destroyed (i.e.
 void ItemLifeCycleListener.itemInvalidated(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been invalidated (i.e.
 void ItemManager.itemInvalidated(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been invalidated (i.e.

Uses of ItemImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Subclasses of ItemImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version
 class VersionHistoryImpl
          Base implementation of the VersionHistory interface.
 class VersionImpl
          Base implementation of the Version interface.

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