Class LocalItemStateManager

  extended byorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.LocalItemStateManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
ItemStateListener, ItemStateManager, NodeStateListener, UpdatableItemStateManager
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LocalItemStateManager
extends Object
implements UpdatableItemStateManager, NodeStateListener

Local ItemStateManager that isolates changes to persistent states from other clients.

Field Summary
protected  EventStateCollectionFactory factory
          Event state collection factory.
protected  SharedItemStateManager sharedStateMgr
          Shared item state manager
Constructor Summary
LocalItemStateManager(SharedItemStateManager sharedStateMgr, EventStateCollectionFactory factory, ItemStateCacheFactory cacheFactory)
          Creates a new LocalItemStateManager instance.
Method Summary
 void addListener(ItemStateListener listener)
          Add an ItemStateListener
 void cancel()
          Cancel an update operation. This will undo all changes made to objects inside this item state manager.
 NodeState createNew(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.
 PropertyState createNew(QName propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.
 void destroy(ItemState state)
          Destroy an item state.
 void dispose()
          Disposes this UpdatableItemStateManager and frees resources.
 void edit()
          Start an edit operation on items inside this manager. This allows calling the operations defined below. At the end of this operation, either UpdatableItemStateManager.update() or UpdatableItemStateManager.cancel() must be invoked.
 ItemState getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 NodeReferences getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
protected  NodeState getNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieve a node state from the parent shared state manager and wraps it into a intermediate object that helps us handle local modifications.
protected  PropertyState getPropertyState(PropertyId id)
          Retrieve a property state from the parent shared state manager and wraps it into a intermediate object that helps us handle local modifications.
 boolean hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.
 boolean hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 boolean inEditMode()
          Returns true if this manager is in edit mode i.e. if an edit operation has been started by invoking UpdatableItemStateManager.edit(), otherwise returns false.
 void nodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

 void nodeModified(NodeState state)
          Called when a node has been modified, typically as a result of removal or addition of a child node.

Please note, that this method is not called if ItemStateListener.stateModified(ItemState) was called.

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

 void nodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

 void nodesReplaced(NodeState state)
          Called when the children nodes were replaced by other nodes, typically as result of a reorder operation.

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

 void removeListener(ItemStateListener listener)
          Remove an ItemStateListener
 void stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

 void stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

 void stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

 void stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

 void store(ItemState state)
          Store an item state.
 void update()
          End an update operation. This will save all items added to this update operation in a single step. If this operation fails, no item will have been saved.
protected  void update(ChangeLog changeLog)
          End an update operation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final SharedItemStateManager sharedStateMgr
Shared item state manager


protected final EventStateCollectionFactory factory
Event state collection factory.

Constructor Detail


public LocalItemStateManager(SharedItemStateManager sharedStateMgr,
                             EventStateCollectionFactory factory,
                             ItemStateCacheFactory cacheFactory)
Creates a new LocalItemStateManager instance.

sharedStateMgr - shared state manager
factory - event state collection factory
Method Detail


protected NodeState getNodeState(NodeId id)
                          throws NoSuchItemStateException,
Retrieve a node state from the parent shared state manager and wraps it into a intermediate object that helps us handle local modifications.

id - node id
node state


protected PropertyState getPropertyState(PropertyId id)
                                  throws NoSuchItemStateException,
Retrieve a property state from the parent shared state manager and wraps it into a intermediate object that helps us handle local modifications.

id - property id
property state


public ItemState getItemState(ItemId id)
                       throws NoSuchItemStateException,
Return an item state, given its item id.

Specified by:
getItemState in interface ItemStateManager
id - item id
item state
NoSuchItemStateException - if the item does not exist
ItemStateException - if an error occurs


public boolean hasItemState(ItemId id)
Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.

Specified by:
hasItemState in interface ItemStateManager
id - item id
true if an item state exists, otherwise false


public NodeReferences getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
                                 throws NoSuchItemStateException,
Return a node references object, given its target id

Specified by:
getNodeReferences in interface ItemStateManager
id - target id
node references object
NoSuchItemStateException - if the item does not exist
ItemStateException - if an error occurs


public boolean hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.

Specified by:
hasNodeReferences in interface ItemStateManager
id - target id
true if a node reference object exists for the given id, otherwise false.


public void edit()
          throws IllegalStateException
Start an edit operation on items inside this manager. This allows calling the operations defined below. At the end of this operation, either UpdatableItemStateManager.update() or UpdatableItemStateManager.cancel() must be invoked.

Specified by:
edit in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
IllegalStateException - if the manager is already in edit mode.


public boolean inEditMode()
Returns true if this manager is in edit mode i.e. if an edit operation has been started by invoking UpdatableItemStateManager.edit(), otherwise returns false.

Specified by:
inEditMode in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
true if this manager is in edit mode, otherwise false


public NodeState createNew(NodeId id,
                           QName nodeTypeName,
                           NodeId parentId)
                    throws IllegalStateException
Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.

Specified by:
createNew in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
id - the id of the node
nodeTypeName - qualified node type name
parentId - parent node's id
a node state
IllegalStateException - if the manager is not in edit mode.


public PropertyState createNew(QName propName,
                               NodeId parentId)
                        throws IllegalStateException
Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.

Specified by:
createNew in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
propName - qualified property name
parentId - parent node Id
a property state
IllegalStateException - if the manager is not in edit mode.


public void store(ItemState state)
           throws IllegalStateException
Store an item state.

Specified by:
store in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
state - item state that should be stored
IllegalStateException - if the manager is not in edit mode.


public void destroy(ItemState state)
             throws IllegalStateException
Destroy an item state.

Specified by:
destroy in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
state - item state that should be destroyed
IllegalStateException - if the manager is not in edit mode.


public void cancel()
            throws IllegalStateException
Cancel an update operation. This will undo all changes made to objects inside this item state manager.

Specified by:
cancel in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
IllegalStateException - if the manager is not in edit mode.


public void update()
            throws ReferentialIntegrityException,
End an update operation. This will save all items added to this update operation in a single step. If this operation fails, no item will have been saved.

Specified by:
update in interface UpdatableItemStateManager
ReferentialIntegrityException - if a new or modified REFERENCE property refers to a non-existent target or if a removed node is still being referenced
IllegalStateException - if the manager is not in edit mode.
StaleItemStateException - if at least one of the affected items has become stale in the meantime
ItemStateException - if the operation failed for another reason


protected void update(ChangeLog changeLog)
               throws ReferentialIntegrityException,
End an update operation. Fetch the states and references from the parent (shared) item manager, reconnect them to the items collected in our (local) change log and overwrite the shared items with our copies.

changeLog - change log containing local states and references
ReferentialIntegrityException - if a new or modified REFERENCE property refers to a non-existent target or if a removed node is still being referenced
StaleItemStateException - if at least one of the affected item states has become stale in the meantime
ItemStateException - if an error occurs


public void dispose()
Disposes this UpdatableItemStateManager and frees resources.

Specified by:
dispose in interface UpdatableItemStateManager


public void addListener(ItemStateListener listener)
Add an ItemStateListener

listener - the new listener to be informed on modifications


public void removeListener(ItemStateListener listener)
Remove an ItemStateListener

listener - an existing listener


public void stateCreated(ItemState created)
Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

Specified by:
stateCreated in interface ItemStateListener
created - the ItemState that has been 'created'


public void stateModified(ItemState modified)
Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

Specified by:
stateModified in interface ItemStateListener
modified - the ItemState that has been 'modified'


public void stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

Specified by:
stateDestroyed in interface ItemStateListener
destroyed - the ItemState that has been 'destroyed'


public void stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').

Notification handler gets called for both local states that this state manager has created, as well as states that were created by the shared state manager we're listening to.

Specified by:
stateDiscarded in interface ItemStateListener
discarded - the ItemState that has been discarded
See Also:


public void nodeAdded(NodeState state,
                      QName name,
                      int index,
                      NodeId id)
Called when a child node has been added

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

Specified by:
nodeAdded in interface NodeStateListener
state - node state that changed
name - name of node that was added
index - index of new node
id - id of new node


public void nodesReplaced(NodeState state)
Called when the children nodes were replaced by other nodes, typically as result of a reorder operation.

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

Specified by:
nodesReplaced in interface NodeStateListener
state - node state that changed


public void nodeModified(NodeState state)
Called when a node has been modified, typically as a result of removal or addition of a child node.

Please note, that this method is not called if ItemStateListener.stateModified(ItemState) was called.

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

Specified by:
nodeModified in interface NodeStateListener
state - node state that changed


public void nodeRemoved(NodeState state,
                        QName name,
                        int index,
                        NodeId id)
Called when a child node has been removed

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

Specified by:
nodeRemoved in interface NodeStateListener
state - node state that changed
name - name of node that was removed
index - index of removed node
id - id of removed node

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